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红南国的皇太后。Kounan Country's Empress dowager.

汕头南国商城有什么店?Shantou Southland Mall What shop?

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要是有一杯南国的温暖O for a beaker full of the warm South

红豆生南国,是很遥远的事情。Red bean was born, is very distant southern thing.

南国都市报记者采访了机场12315。Southland reporter interviewed Metropolitan Airport 12315.

在凝寒的北地依然丛生着南国的绿柳。The southern willows thrive in freezing cold of the north.

红豆不长南国,长我脸上了,真相思!Red bean is not long austral face, long, I think the truth!

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南国的天空变得阴晦沉沦,飘落下丝丝西雨。The sky became dark down, falling under the west rain silk.

其中,浙江南国大酒店为五星级酒店。Among them, Zhejiang Southland Hotel for the five-star hotel.

是经豆吗,红豆生南国,春来发几枝。The beans, health and southern red beans, a few of the spring.

我很高兴能在南国商学院教授英语。I am excited to be at NanGuo Business College to teach English.

生在南国自幼主食稻米,对面食有些生疏。Born in the south from staple food rice, for some strange pasta.

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这一笔我写下的微凉,心里默想细雨,想要南国的深秋早点莅临。The pen I wrote it, think of rain, want in early to late autumn.

然后我可以使用和再利用,而不必为了南国牌照的急性心肌梗塞。I can then use and re-use the AMI without having to order WHM licenses.

蒙古高原北疆立,琼崖山地南国展。Li northern Mongolian Plateau, Calophyllum southern mountain exhibition.

衣被都开始氤氲着潮湿气味,恍然间如置身南国。Clothes and quilt are permeated with damp senses, like being in the south.

南国的小麦正在抽穗,油菜正在开花。In the southern part of the country wheat is earing and rapeseed is in bloom.

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它是广州这座南国都市文化和艺术品位的一种象征。It is this southern city of Guangzhou Cultural and artistic taste of a symbol.

哦,来一大杯酒,充满南国的温暖,充满真切鲜红的山泉之灵。O for a beaker full of the warm South, Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene.

这清楚是一个穿行在浪漫密林的南国童话精灵。This is a clear through the dense forest in romantic fairy tale elves in the south.