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那么我们如何来理解这个空穴呢?How could one then interpret the holes?

自那时以来,该墓穴一直空穴。Since then, that crypt has remained vacant.

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对叔丁基杯芳烃是一类具有独特空穴结构的新型大环化合物。P-tert-butyl-type Calixarene is a new kind of compound.

垫圈的空穴应该面向临近法兰的外面。The gasket cavity should face out to the adjoining flange.

另外,所述空穴传输层含有氧化钨或氧化钼。The hole injection layer contains tungsten oxide or molybdenum oxide.

本文由空穴俘获-弱键破裂模型讨论了实验结果。The results are explained by a hole trapping-weak bonds breaking model.

XPS能谱及交流阻抗谱分析显示可能存在氧空穴导电。The analysis of XPS reveals the possibility of oxyanion hole conduction.

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他大胆地认为空穴的质量就是和电子的质量相同。He said boldly that the holes had to have the same mass as the electrons.

植物的超声发射是导管或管胞里空穴化时的伴随现象。Ultrasonic emission is a phenomenon with cavitation of vessels or tracheids.

流经硒层的X射线光子产生电子空穴对。X-ray photons flowing through the selenium layer create electron hole pairs.

在湿润空气中,陶瓷样品是质子、氧离子与空穴的混合导体。In wet air, the samples are a mixed conductor of oxide-ion, the proton and hole.

使用碳纳米管作阳极以增强空穴注入和传输的能力。CNT material was used as anode to improve the input and transport abilities for holes.

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依赖于量位的状态,空穴可在某个频率上发生共振。Depending what state the qubit is in, the cavity will resonate at a certain frequency.

空穴-和正电荷类似,是由缺少价电子引起的。Hole-similar to a positive charge this is caused by the absence of a valence electron.

当捕获的电子和空穴重新配对后,特定频率的光就被发射出来。When a trapped electron-hole pair recombines, light of a specific frequency is emitted.

进一步分析了不同燃油喷射压力对喷孔内空穴分布的影响。In addition, the effect of distribution of cavitation on the spout pressure is analysed.

空穴的存在增大了热阻,从而影响相变换热过程。The void enlarges heat resistance, and then affects the phase change heat transfer process.

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有能力冲洗整个轴颈,保持轴颈和空穴清洁。Has the ability to purge through the trunnion to keep both the trunnion and the cavity clean.

研究热超弹性材料中的空穴生成问题,讨论了温度对空穴生成的影响。Cavitation problem for thermohyperelastic materials and the effect of temperature are studied.

集体态空间截断会导致粒子表示与空穴表示不等价。Collective state space truncation causes a difference between particle and hole representations.