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他的耳目因年老而变得不灵了。His eyes and ears dulled by age.

国王耳目众多。Kings have many ears and many eyes.

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会面都是在公共场所.一点不避人耳目。Others meet by chance in a public place.

他的耳目所接触的四周都已气象一新。And he had already meteorological new all around.

他不过是为了遮人耳目,想掩饰他跟另一个人的真实关系。It was merely a blind to conceal his real situation with another.

NET框架4.5更改此默认行为例外避人耳目。NET Framework 4.5 changes this default behavior for unobserved exceptions.

妄自尊大,耳目闭塞,有时出于好意,但总是一个白痴。Self-important, poorly-informed, well-intentioned at times but always an idiot.

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对王夫之、朱自清等旧说予以驳正,新人耳目。In addition, Li Jinkun debates over the hypotheses by Wang Fuzhi, and Zhu Ziqing.

同时,他会将自己包装成身无长物,不值得别人谋取利用的模样,以避人耳目。Meanwhile, he disguises himself as a good-for-nothing who is unworthy being employed.

倾国找到赵盛,怪他不信任自己,说妙戈是他的耳目。Pour countries find ZhaoCheng, blame him dont trust yourself, said it is his refreshing godot.

鯈与忽注意到所有人都有口耳目鼻等七窍,而唯独浑沌没有。Tiao and Hu noticed that all people have seven apertures in their heads but only Hundun has no.

中央情报局为马勒捏造了一个躲人耳目的职业以掩盖她的真实身份,甚至她父母都不知道她真正的职业是特工。The CIA manufactured a fake job for Mahle, which she used to deceive everyone, even her parents.

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他有钱有势,蒙蔽了天下人的耳目,他那目空一切、盛气凌人的气派又吓坏了天下人。The world is blinded by his fortune and consequence, or frightened by his high and imposing manners.

女人能够立即看穿对方,而令人感到意外的是,他们观察到的很少是悦人耳目的部分。Woman can instantly see through each other, and it's surprise how little they observe that's pleasant.

但三十年前,肯尼迪却能避过传媒耳目,不让其混乱的男女关系公诸于世。But, three decades earlier, John F. Kennedy was able to keep his now notorious promiscuity from the press.

另一方面,对罗秀贤担心不安的李智恩避开美玉的耳目,偷偷与秀贤联络着。On the other hand, worry about Luo Xiuxian disturbed Lee Ji Eun avoid jade ears secretly and soohyun liaisoning.

在确需存放贵重物品时,应将其隐藏于储备箱或车内隐蔽处,避免招人耳目,诱使窃贼铤而走险。Valuables should be hidden in the storing compartment or other covered places to avoid being noticed by thieves.

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达利多彩多姿的一生和他的深奥超现实绘画一样,惊人视听,撼人耳目。His colorful life, like his profound surrealistic paintings, is extremely touching and startling to eyes and ears.

在这些行业中,多半以小型的私人公司为主,它们想方设法避人耳目,因此而逃过征税。The small, often private, companies that dominate these areas have also often been at pains to escape notice—and therefore taxes.

远景就象真理一样的朴实无华,没有任何矫揉造作和脑人耳目的虚饰。The perspective just as moral truths, that are presented in their simplicity without the meretricious aids of ornament or glitter.