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因为它只造福了三分之一的世界。It only reached one-third of the world.

这是一项造福人类的创造。This is an invention that benefits mankind.

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以造福世界为宗旨,仁者爱人。The benefit for the purpose, benevolent love.

只有爱才能造福人类,而非危害人类。Love alone can work for man, and not against him.

经济表现和造福人类是有区别的。The distinction is between performance and welfare.

造福于人,无疑是千真万确的幸福。——阿密埃尔。Benefit the people, no doubt, is the true happiness.

其体现了以人为本、造福为民的和谐社会福利思想。It shows the human-oriented harmonious social welfare idea.

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要让创新成为一种为更大的整体造福的公共事业。Make innovation a common cause, for the greater good of all.

福州的榕树象征着平安吉祥、造福荫庇、和合和谐。Banyan in Fuzhou indicates safety, luck, benefit and harmony.

他们为造福于后代而勤奋地劳动。They labour assiduously for the benefit of future generations.

其宗旨是造福于世界聋人,捍卫聋人的权利,帮助聋人康复。WFD aims to promote the human rights of deaf people worldwide.

每个时代都会发现一项造福人类的法律进步。Each era finds an improvement in law for the benefit of mankind.

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这些做法不仅可以造福社会,还有利于公司团队的发展。This not only benefits the community, but also develops the team.

世卫组织的工作涉及每个国家,也造福每个国家。The work of WHO is relevant in every country, benefits every country.

有钱财就拿出来与有需要的人分享,解决他们的问题,造福人群。Wealth can be shared with others who need it to solve their problems.

融贯中西医,造福天下人。健康送万家,真情暖人心。Experts of traditional and modern medicine send you health and warmth.

如果你不,我们拥有一个复盖大文章解释你是怎么能造福植物。Why mulching is one of the best things people can do for their plants.

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路丁茶从药用价值与营养元素上造福人类。Lu Ding tea, medicinal value and nutrients from the benefit of mankind.

你来到这个星球就是为了用你的天赋来造福人类。You are on this planet to contribute to humanity with the gifts you have.

Catharina说,该中心的研究可以造福印度尼西亚的普通人。The centre's research should benefit ordinary Indonesians, said Catharina.