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他从小就是天主教徒。He was raised Catholic.

我从小就喜欢唱歌。I havealways loved singing.

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我在乐从小学工作。I work in Lecong Primary School.

我从小时候就开始喜欢。I just liked it since I was a kid.

大橡树是从小橡果长成的。Great oaks grow from little acorns.

从小在家里我就说西班牙语。I grew up speaking Spanish at home.

我从小父亲就不在身边。I grew up without my father around.

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今天我从小姨家回来。Today, I came back home from Xiaoyi.

他的头发从小就是卷曲的。His hair crisped when he was a child.

飞雪知道,我从小浪迹江湖。She knew I'd drifted since childhood.

战争使他从小就成了孤儿。The war orphaned him at an early age.

要记住从小处着手。Just remember to start with small steps.

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从小爱好美术,小时候喜欢涂鸦。Art-loving young age, a child like graffiti.

从小就受到父母亲的宠爱,在家里像一个“小霸王”。He looked as if a "little overland" at home.

华罗庚从小就非常喜欢数学。Hua Luogeng liked maths even from childhood.

他从小就被宠爱娇惯。As a child, he had been spoiled and cosseted.

贝尔从小讲立陶宛语和俄罗斯语。Bell grew up speaking Lithuanian and Russian.

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我从小就被带来这儿。I've been taken there since I was little, so.

他从小热爱劳动。He has loved labour ever since he was a child.

玛丽从小跟我一起长大,我们是亲密的朋友。Mary grew up with me, we are intimate friends.