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而且得多洗几遍。A few times.

而且是药三分毒。And three-drug.

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而且我还有值。And I have value.

我非走不可,而且就要走!I must and shall!

我很胖,而且又懒。I'm fat and lazy!

而且也耐穿。And durable as well.

而且也同样是残酷的。And it's also cruel.

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而且阿富汗可以做到这个。But it could do that.

而且,这还有些怪异。Also it’s a bit weird.

而且,我喜欢挑战。And I like challenges.

“而且我认为,他们定将度过难关”。And I think they will.

而且,我们将趁早动手。And we’ll do it early.

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可怕,而且很让人悲伤。Horrible,and it's sad.

垃圾食品很便宜而且无处不在It's cheap everywhere.

浇水、拔草而且要等待。Water, weed, and wait.

喂了,而且我把它放出去了。Yes,and I put her out.

而且不能让他被卡住呢?And not make him stuck?

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而且她是的,有时候。And she was, sometimes.

而且火也已经熄灭了。And the fire was outed.

而且拥有超强功率。And with serious power.