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我们这个温室比起你们那个简直是小巫见大巫。Our greenhouse is nothing compared with yours.

但比起我所经受的可是小巫见大巫。That's nothing compared to what I have to suffer.

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相比之下,美国幻想的代价就是小巫见大巫了。By comparison, the cost of American illusions pales.

但是比起八月突然爆发的危机,这些问题不过是小巫见大巫而已。But such problems pale beside the eruptions since August.

和公司挣的钱相比,那些“出场费”只不过是小巫见大巫吧。And corporate money than the "appearance" but it is nothing.

中国载人太空飞船规模较之俄罗斯仍是小巫见大巫。China still has a smaller manned-space-flight infrastructure than Russia has.

这当然是滥用权力,但与“伊朗门”比起来,这只是小巫见大巫。Of course it was an abuse of power, but a pathetically small one compared with Iran-Contra.

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个位数的通胀率已让人人叫苦连天,但是,相比津巴布韦可谓小巫见大巫。Single-digit inflation rate had people who suffer, however, is nothing compared to Zimbabwe.

在布什执政大部分时间,美元一直在稳定贬值,近期的下降同当时的下降比起来,真是小巫见大巫。The dollar slid steadily through most of the Bush years, a decline that dwarfs the recent downtick.

自然那些小虾米我们也不能放过,但与贪官比起来毕竟是小巫见大巫了。Naturally we can not let those Shrimps, but corrupt officials, after all, is trivial compared to the.

答案是糟糕透顶了,可是英国石油公司在墨西哥湾的原油泄漏事故跟以前的漏油事故相比只算是小巫见大巫。As bad as it is, BP's Gulf oil spill dwindles compared with gushers of the past. David Biello reports.

但是比之于日寇今日统治朝鲜,其手段的毒辣,犹有小巫见大巫之别。However, today than in the Japanese rule of Korea, its sinister means, What is more trivial difference.

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与这些数字相比,引发这场金融危机的信贷相关有价证券的损失只是小巫见大巫。These figures put the losses on credit-related securities-where the financial crisis began-into the shade.

而被暴露出来的亚洲遭受次贷危机的困扰相比起欧美的银行尚属小巫见大巫。Asia's exposure to the subprime mess is thought to be much smaller than that of American or European banks.

但跟世界纪录最重,超过八百公斤的南瓜而言就小巫见大巫。It still pales in comparison to the heaviest pumpkin in the world on record, which weighed well over 800kg.

这在美国对很多农田可能存在舍入误差,但其在中国一般来说小巫见大巫。That would be a rounding error for many farms in the United States, but it dwarfs the average plot in China.

但是相比较中国对于进口大豆的依赖,中国去年150万吨的总玉米进口实在是太小巫见大巫了。But China’s corn imports--1.5 million tons last year--pale in comparison to its reliance on foreign soybeans.

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相对于新闻网站广大的读者群来说,在线广告的潜在客户数只能是小巫见大巫了。There is simply not enough online advertising inventory for all the visitors that newspaper websites are attracting.

美国可以因为一个“借口”去侵略伊拉克,那么,命令一个公司做一些事只是小巫见大巫。The United States because of an "excuse" to invade Iraq, then, order a company to do something just pale into insignificance.

自吉米·卡特总统以来,每一位美国领导人都曾在某个时间才去过进口限制措施,与之相比,奥巴马的行为简直是小巫见大巫。Every president since Jimmy Carter has sought import restrictions at one time or another, and Mr Obama’s are mild by comparison.