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好的.我喜欢酸菜鱼汤.That`s good. I like it.

您也喜欢吃酸菜吗?。Do you also like to eat sauerkraut ?

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没有饿死,还有小米加酸菜。No, for there was millet plus pickles.

德国酸菜,韩国泡菜,日本味噌,咸菜,陈醋。Sauerkraut, kimchee, miso, you name it pickles, wined aged vinegar.

盖上另一层面包,配上些炉烤薯条和德国酸菜沙拉。Add the bun tops and serve with some oven-baked fries and kraut salad.

主要介绍新型L-乳酸酸菜工艺流程。A processing technology of new L-lactate Chinese sauerkraut was reported.

腌制剩下的鱼头和鱼尾加上酸菜,可以做成美味的酸菜鱼汤。Fish heads and tails can be cooked with pickled cabbage into a tasty soup.

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这是「酸菜肚片汤」,也是客家的代表汤类。This is "Pickled Mustard and Pork Tripe Soup". It is a typical soup of Hakka.

高丽人的脾气就像他们心爱的国家酸菜-泡菜一样火暴。Korean tempers are as hot as their beloved national pickled cabbage dish, kimchi.

随着时间流逝她会知道有教养的年轻淑女不会大声笑,或者亲吻小狗,或者在酸菜罐或卧室里养青蛙。She'll learn in time that proper young ladies do not laugh out loud. Or kiss dogs.

豆腐,一份土豆熬酸菜,一份西红柿炒鸡蛋,主食花卷。Tofu, a potato boiled pickled cabbage, a scrambled egg with tomato, staple food steamed bread.

吃的酸辣食物,均系自己加工的酸汤,酸菜,腌菜,腌鱼,腌肉等。Hot and sour to eat food, were processed own, sauerkraut , pickles, pickled fish, meat and so on.

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好,来份酸菜烤猪排怎么样?这是本店的特色菜之一。Well, how about the roast pork chop with sour Cabbage? It's one of the specialities of the house.

现在部队的伙食改善了,已经比专吃酸菜有所不同了。Now the army meals have improved and are already rather different from having only pickles to eat.

面包质感厚实,酸菜搭配黑胡椒烟熏牛肉和芝士的浓郁气息,令人胃口大开。The fresh rye bread with pickled cabbage, smoked beef and cheese leaves you with a big appetite and more.

你是五个碗,我们吃酸菜,这个酸菜里面就出政治,就出模范。They had five courses while we ate pickles. There was politics in these pickles, out of which models would emerge.

是腌渍酸菜、泡菜、辣白菜和鲜白菜的理想品种,是各地区菜农的首选品种。Is a pickled vegetable, pickles, spicy cabbage and fresh cabbage ideal varieties, and is the region of vegetable varieties.

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难怪小龙不满意,还不如叫翠花呢,直接就可以上酸菜了。No marvel that the little dragon is dissatisfied, also not equal to call Cui bloom, straight can ascend acid pickled cabbage.

将面条煮熟,倒入牛肉汤,加上葱花、烫青菜、酸菜,牛肉面即可食用。Will boil, add beef noodle soup, add chopped green onion, water-boiled vegetables, sour pickled cabbage, beef noodles. Serve.

本店的汤底有巴蜀特香麻辣、东北酸菜、高汤蔬菜。Apart from exquisite decoration, we provide a variety of broth, such as Sichuan's spicy flavor, pickled cabbage and vegetables.