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试试最价廉物美的去处--拉斯维加斯吧。Try the best bargain getaway -- Las Vegas.

这部打字机真是价廉物美。This typewriter is very cheap and fine indeed.

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该商品销势极好想必一定价廉物美。The goods that flow freely must be good and cheap.

这架电视机真是价廉物美。This television is quite cheap and have a good qaulity.

商品价廉物美,总是供不应求。Low-priced goods of good quality are always in short supply.

这种电传打字机真是重量轻,结构简单,经久耐用,价廉物美。The teletypewriter is indeed light, simple, durable, cheap and fine.

而且,学校周围也会有许多价廉物美的小饭馆。And, there are a lot of good, cheap restaurants all around universities.

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书笈价廉物美,不啻我们呼吸的空气。They are to be had very cheap and good . we breathe but the air of books.

这是因为他们更加的价廉物美,更加经久耐用。This is because these are more affordable and some are even more durable.

本版旨在给购物爱好者提供一个发现好价廉物美的论坛.请不要发广告贴。This forum is a place for posting good deals. Please do not post ads here.

尽管白炽灯价廉物美,它们有一个巨大的缺点。Cheap and cheerful they may be, but incandescent bulbs have one huge weakness.

他的服务价廉物美,使用非常方便,在中国任何地方都可以使用。Its services are so affordable, and easy to access and use, from any where in China.

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日本与马来西亚的产品价廉物美,能让印度经济受益。Therefore cheaper and qualitative imports from the region is also benefiting Indian economy.

芳容,光芒乱窜,使色彩饱和宝石之一全世界最价廉物美。Its beauty, brilliance and lush saturated color make it one of the gem world's best bargains.

一大批你要的东西的价格和商店的单子就出来了,你可以很容易地就找到最价廉物美的东东了。A list of prices and stores that carry your item so you can easily find the best deal in town.

此类方案种类繁多,可以是价廉物美的假肢,也可以是疫苗,还可以是太阳能电池板。Such solutions can range from cheap but effective artificial limbs to vaccines to solar panels.

他们指望能讨价还价。而交易会上的东西确实是价廉物美的。They look out for bargains. The prices of works of art at craft fairs are usually very resonable.

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我雇了4个工作人员,他们都是20多岁到30岁出头的年纪,都精明能干,而且“价廉物美”。I hired four staffers, all of them smart, in their twenties or early thirties, and suitably cheap.

中国水果因价廉物美而畅销于市场。Chinese fruits are very popular in the market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.

价廉物美的便捷交通是以后的事了。在此之前,月城和新利恩的居民都以为新加坡月城是清一色的中国人。Before travel became cheap many people in Luna City and Novylen thought that Hong Kong Luna was all Chinee.