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冻结的整体。Frozen Wholes.

水冻结即成冰。Water forms ice when it freezes.

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因为它们冻结在脑海。For they freeze within the brain.

您将被冻结,干死。You will be frozen and dried to death.

“那个球让我瞬间被冻结了。”扎扎说道。"That shot gave me chills, " Ariza said.

冻结了从灵腑流出的天才流泉。And froze the genial current of the soul.

对一张仆从卡制作3点伤害并冻结它。Deal 3 damage to a character and Freeze it.

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但随着信贷市场的冻结,这一切都结束了。That all ended when the credit market froze.

银行试图冻结马尔雅的资产,包括他在果阿邦的地产。Mallya's assets, including his estate in Goa.

大脑冻结现在只影响附带寒冷效果的冰系伤害法术。Cold as Ice doesn't affect Deep Freeze anymore.

他们在颤抖,在雪地里冻结成冰。They were shivering, freezing cold in the snow.

朝鲜将冻结韩国当局在金刚山地区资产。DPRK to freeze S. Korea's assets in Mt. Kumgang.

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帕特森说,欧洲几乎瞬间冻结。Europe froze – almost instantly, said Patterson.

马在坚硬冻结的路上嘚嘚地跑过。The horse clattered along the hard, frozen road.

这些子对象在创建时均未被冻结。None of these sub-objects are frozen on creation.

就会直穿你灵府,冻结你热血。Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood.

为了冻结一个模板,您可以取消它旁边复选框的选择。To disable a template, uncheck the box next to it.

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然后,我们就会"冻结"概念设计,并开始开发。Then we 'freeze' the concept, and start developing.

招聘冻结和提前退休都是采取的措施。There will be hiring freezes and early retirements.

它们是消失已久的海洋冻结的残余吗?Are they the frozen remains of long-vanished oceans?