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长芒大穗,千粒重38克,中抗根腐病、赤霉病。Long awns big spike, 1000-grain weight 38 grams, resistant rot, warm.

小麦赤霉病抗性遗传是由细胞核基因控制的。The inheritance of scab resistance in wheat is controlled by nuclear genes.

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小麦赤霉病抗性符合加性显性模型。And the inheritance of FHB resistance fit in with the additive dominance model.

高抗秆、叶锈和根腐病、中抗赤霉病和穗发芽。Stem, leaf rust and antiflow rot, resistant genotypes and preharvest sprouting.

本文最后还提出抗赤霉病育种的对策。The strategy of breeding for resistance to scab is also suggested in this paper.

培育抗病品种是解决赤霉病危害的根本途径。Cultivating disease-resistant varieties is the fundamental way of solving FHB harm.

目前比较经济实效的赤霉病控制方法是培育抗性大麦品种。Resistant cultivars are the most cost effective measure for controlling the disease.

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运用灰色系统理论,建立了小麦赤霉病灰色预测模型。Using grey system theory, the grey prediction pattern of wheat ear scab is conducted.

但是,目前缺乏四川小麦赤霉病抗性遗传基础的研究资料。However, data about inheritance to head scab of Sichuan wheat cultivar are quite rare.

赤霉病伤口会渐渐变成一个坚固的外壳,但这种坚固的外壳下隐藏的,或许心一软。Scab wound will slowly into a hard shell, but hidden under this hard shell, or a soft heart.

研究表明在农业生产上多菌灵防治小麦赤霉病仍然具有使用价值。The results showed MBC still has played important role in controlling WHB in agricultural production.

对河北省小麦品种和捷克收集的欧洲小麦品种进行田间抗赤霉病性鉴定。The resistance test of wheat genotypes from Hebei province and Europe to FHB was conducted in the field.

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利用抗病品种是控制小麦赤霉病最经济有效的措施。The most effective strategy for controlling FHB in wheat is through the development of resistant cultivars.

抗病性初步鉴定结果表明,漯珍1号高感赤霉病和白粉病。Disease evaluation indicated that Luozhen 1 was highly susceptible to Fusarium head blight and powdery mildew.

在此基础上,建立了太湖地区小麦赤霉病的海温长期预报模型。Finally, long-range prediction model of the gibberellin was developed according to the result from the analyses.

小麦赤霉病是中国南方麦区,尤其是长江中下游地区的一种严重病害。Wheat scab is a serious disease in the South of China, especially in the mid lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

结果表明,大麦赤霉病抗性除了抗初侵染类型外还存在抗扩展类型。The result showed there is the resistance to spread as well as to initial infection of Fusarium head blight in barley.

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结果表明,大麦赤霉病抗性除了抗初侵染外还存在抗扩展类型。The result showed there was the resistance to spread as well as to initial infection of Fusarium head blight in barley.

随着时间的流逝找到链,鱼和一些同事水手仍忠于科布必须挫败赤霉病的卑鄙计划。With time running out to find the Chain, Fish and some fellow shipmates still loyal to Cobb must thwart Scab's dastardly plan.

导入白粉病和赤霉病抗性的小麦种质的研究进展。A brief review on the development of wheat germplasm with introduced powdery mildew and scab resistance from Haynaldia villosa Sch.