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他把它撕碎,卷成了点板烟的纸捻儿。He tore it up and rolled it into pipe spills.

无可质疑地,板烟正面临真正的问题。There is no doubt that the Cavendish is facing a real problem.

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然而生物学家表示,真正的问题在板烟香蕉。However, the real problem lies with the Cavendish , say biologists.

许多能够拯救板烟香蕉的基因已经没了。Many of the genes which could have saved the Cavendish may already have been lost.

铺子里的烟是又扁又黑的板烟,不过这些家伙嚼的大多是把生叶子拧起来嚼。Store tobacco is flat black plug, but these fellows mostly chaws the natural leaf twisted.

简单来说,板烟香蕉大限已到。以后可能就没机会抓狂了。In short, time is running out for the Cavendish. We may not be able to go bananas for much longer.

研究者重组了一种叫做“DH-Pahang”香蕉变种基因组,这种基因是培育出板烟香蕉品种的关键。Researchers sequenced the genome of a banana variety called DH-Pahang, whose genes contributed to the Cavendish.

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如今有一半的香蕉,包括市场上销售的,都属于板烟香蕉品种,这种香蕉因为无子而大受欢迎。Today, half of all bananas, including the ones you probably buy, belong to the Cavendish variety, whose popularity stems in part from having no seeds.

你温暖的一家旅馆,迎接你的信物深夜抵不抱怨,但与大板烟熏鲑鱼和白煮蛋并迅速打开一瓶红。You have to warm to a hotel that greets your frazzled late-night arrival not with grumpiness but with large plates of smoked salmon and charcuterie and a swiftly opened bottle of red.

爱尔兰橡香在选用馥郁浓烈的板烟之原配方基础上,巧手加入莫桑比克烟叶、泰国香白肋,以柔化口感。Irish Oak Originally blended from a rich, dark heavy bodied Cavendish , this tobacco is made smooth by adding a mixture of Zimbabwean orange smoking grades and aromatic Thailand Burley.