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在干旱时期,很多耕畜都生病或者死亡了。During droughts, many farm animals get sick or die.

它们也将提供饲料来饲养更多耕畜。They will also provide feed for raising more draught animals.

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也许我可以写一篇关于耕畜的生活故事。Perhaps I can write a story about the life of that draft animal.

所有人力和耕畜都被强征服役。All available manpower and draught animals were pressed into service.

这对从耕畜粪便中排出的杂草种子也同样有效。The same is true of seeds that pass through farm animals that graze on weeds.

耕畜借贷是高利贷借贷的一种方式,在中国农村极其流行。The farm cattle lending is one kind of usury capitals and is extremely popular in Chinese rural areas.

抗战时期中国农村耕畜损失惨重,迫切需要补充。During the Anti-Japanese War period, China's rural farm animals suffered heavy losses which badly needed to be replenished.

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在乌干达,一项新的研究证实,早期的研究将昏睡病与受感染的耕畜联系了起来。In Uganda, a new study has confirmedearlyearlier research linking the spread of sleeping sickness to infected farm animals.

土地、耕畜和农具统统收归集体,公社成员集中劳动力从事农业生产。Land, farm animals and farm implements were all put under the collective, commune members of the focus on labor force engaged in agricultural production.

耕畜借贷是高利贷借贷用于生产领域的一种,因此,它既有残酷的剥削性,又在某种程度上具有一定的积极意义。The farm cattle lending is the usury used in the agricultural producing process with the characteristics of brutal exploitation and some positive senses.

他们耕畜、农具俱全,人手足,土地好,收成也好,除了“高廪盖藏”而外,能有较多的粮食出卖。They farm animal, farm tools and taste, the hand, foot, land, and harvest it, in addition to "high-Lin Gai possession" inside out, can have more food betrayed.

访问农场或其它公众可能直接接触耕畜的地方也被确定为感染出血性大肠杆菌的一个重要危险因素。Visiting farms and other venues where the general public might come into direct contact with farm animals has also been identified as an important risk factor for EHEC infection.