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双实线边框。A double solid line border.

带有4毫米粗边框的框。Box that has a 4-mm thick border.

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最后套上一个假的宝丽来边框。Finish it off with a fake Polaroid frame.

空的边框是完全透明的。The empty border is completely transparent.

像一幅画,没有边框,它朴实无华。Like a picture, no frame, see it's simple and plain.

断点图标同样显示在边框或边栏上。Breakpoint icons also appear in the fringe or margin.

磨砂黑塑料制品。边框有精致饰板。意大利产。Shiny black plastic. Side plaque detail. Made in Italy.

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一些有边框的则被称为“镂空花板”。Some have borders, is called "hollow out flower board".

同时也引入了一些流行的边框形式。Some popular presets that have been introduced as well.

为什么不从实际边界半径圆的边框样式?Why won't border-radius round off the actual border-style?

请取消文本框架的艺术型边框,或使用线式边框。Remove BorderArt from the text frame, or use a line border.

该任务在可视关系图中显示为带黑色边框。The task is shown in the visual diagram with a black border.

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这将允许我们添加和查看其边框周围的端口。This will let us add and see its ports around on its borders.

您还可以通过拖拽边框来修改这个专栏的宽幅。You can also modify the column widths by dragging the borders.

边框线和肘形指针位于文本块侧边的标注。Callout with border line and elbow pointer at side of text block.

要想删除一条或多条边框线,只需提供相应值的和。To erase one or more border lines, supply the sum of those values.

我隔着苇草拍摄,形成一个富有吸引力的边框。I also shot through some reeds, which gives it an attractive frame.

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线框和边框解决了对象的可视化问题。Wire frames and bounding boxes solve problems of object visibility.

你可以通过拖拽窗体到屏幕的边框来重新改变窗体大小。You can now resize Windows by dragging them to edges of the screen.

行李的黄铜边框完全由钣金工手工做出来。The brass frames are produced by an accomplished metal craft worker.