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现在的巴黎仍有不计其数的老鼠And Paris had and still has millions of rats.

丹尼斯的学生真的不计其数吗?Has Dennis really taught a bazillion students?

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我见过不计其数的人,并且不停的与他们会面。I met countless others and continue to meet them.

约翰看马戏花的钱不计其数。Jone lost track of the money he spent at the circus.

不计其数的叶子在微风中翩翩起舞。An unknown number of leafs are dancing in the breeze.

例子很多,尤其在前东德就不计其数。There are many examples, especially with East Germans.

我工作的公司拥有不计其数的员工。I work at a company where there are about a gazillion employees.

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当今大多数人要面对不计其数的信息源。Most people turn to countless sources of information these days.

最终,他通过卖不计其数的应用软件赚了钱。Finally, it made money on the sale of its countless applications.

在中国文学里,与莲有关的诗词歌赋,更是不计其数。In Chinese literature, there are much more lotus-related poetries.

小规模型需求积压最明显的优势是,它们多的不计其数。The obvious advantages of a small requirements backlog are myriad.

由陆海两条丝绸之路引进的植物种苗不计其数。Countless plant-species were introduced by land-and-sea-silk-roads.

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做了多年的妇产科医生,我诊断过的病例不计其数。Having been gynecologist for many years, I have diagnosed a lot of cases.

不计其数在美国粹习过的中国人都有一样的概念。Tens of thousands of Chinese who studied in the U. S. have the same idea.

在衰退期,个人学会了不计其数的省钱的办法。In a recession, the individual learns that there are countless ways to economize.

在一定的站点,排起了长龙似的队伍,捐血的人不计其数。In certain sites, like Long lines of the team, countless people who donate blood.

其他形状多得不胜枚举,因此对于行宽及图像平滑度的控制也是不计其数的。Numerous other shapes exist, as do controls for line width and smoothness of image.

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而整个皇宫里的龙,就更是不计其数了。Considering this, the total number of dragons in the entire palace must be countless.

到目前为止,已有6人被蛇咬死,13人中毒,损失的奶牛更是不计其数。Six people have been killed and 13 poisoned, along with the losses of countless cows.

到今天,俱乐部和派对上放过不计其数的翻唱版。To this day, countless cover versions of the song are played in clubs and at parties.