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不过这场战争刚刚打响。But the war has just started.

然后我们的名声开始打响了。Then our reputation started to spread.

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战争的最后一次战役是在1781年打响的。The last battle of the war was in 1781.

我给她买了棒棒糖,一吹就呜的打响的小喇叭。I bought lollipops and a toot-toot bugle.

武昌起义打响第一枪在这里。In 1911, the Wuchang Uprising fired here.

科林打响了乌兹没有问题的第一个。Colin fired the Uzi first with no problem.

先头部队打响了。The advance detachment has engaged the enemy.

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到底是谁打响了武昌首义第一枪?。Who on Earth Fired First in Wuchang Uprising?

武昌首义到底是谁打响了“第一枪”?。Who on earth fired first in Wuchang Uprising?

一九四六年秋,解放战争已打响。The Liberation War broke out in autumn , 1946.

他们知道这是新的战争打响的第一枪。They knew it was the opening shot in a new war.

可惜历史并没有等他剪彩,一战的炮声就悄然打响了。It was a shame that the war started without him.

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边境线上,毒品封禁的新一轮战役再次打响。A new battle against drugs on the borders has started.

战争即将打响,全国上下草木皆兵。Just before the war, the whole country was panic-stricken.

打打响指,拍拍手,然后倒立。Snap your fingers, clap your hands and stand on your head.

一个早期危机随着2008年俄罗斯与鲁吉亚的战争打响。An earlier crisis came with the Russia-Georgia war in 2008.

战斗打响后,美军的这支特种部队要求增援。As the operation unraveled, the U. S. team called for help.

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我给她买了棒棒糖,一吹就呜的打响的小喇叭。我就往回走。I bought lollipops and a toot-toot bugle. I started for home.

战斗打响之前,士兵们挖出许多个人掩体。Man foxholes were hollowed out by the soldiers before fighting.

那个战役去年夏天在所罗门群岛和新几内亚岛打响。That battle started in the Solomons and New Guinea last summer.