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埃文鲁德火花塞。Evinrude spark plugs.

力舷外机火花塞。Force outboard engine spark plugs.

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火花塞和加工保留螺母。Sparkplug and machined retaining nut.

汽车发动机中激光器可取代火花塞Lasers could replace spark plugs in car engines

检查预热火花塞状况。The inspection preheats sparking plug condition.

结果便发明了我们今天所熟知的那种火花塞。The result was the plug-spark as we know it today.

结果便发明了我们今天熟知的火花塞。The result was the spark-plug as we know it today.

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关掉点火装置就切断了火花塞的电源。Turning off the ignition de-energizes the spark plugs.

所有数据都在采取每一个射击的火花塞。All readings are taken on each firing of the spark plug.

这些点火导线将电荷运送至每个火花塞。These ignition wires send the charge to each spark plug.

该团队正在与一家火花塞生产商接触。The team is in discussions with a spark plug manufacturer.

他气呼呼地测试着火花塞,眼睛盯着转换器。Furiously he tested the spark-plugs, stared at the commutator.

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火花塞是由不锈钢与可丽耐绝缘子。The spark plugs are from stainless steel with a corian insulator.

加工火花塞孔与反孔的复合角度。Machining the spark plug hole and counter bore at a compound angle.

断开连于火花塞的缆线并旋下火花塞。Disconnect the cable from the spark plug and unscrew the spark plug.

其中一名负责人与摇臂括号和火花塞安装。One of the heads with rocker arm brackets and spark plugs installed.

轴承松动的征状通常可能会被短路的火花塞孤立出来。The loose bearing may generally be isolated by shorting spark plugs.

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它也运用于电子,火花塞,治疗癌症的药物等其他方面。Other uses include electronics, spark plugs and in drugs to treat cancer.

自定义设计的螺母也macined和发掘保留火花塞。A custom-designed nut is also machined up and tapped to retain the sparkplug.

它也被运用于飞行器的火花塞,钢笔以及乳腺放射成像装置中。It is also used in aircraft spark plugs, fountain pens and mammography systems.