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它跨越了40个数量级。It covers 40 orders of magnitude.

我们一下子跌了3个数量级。We dropped 3 orders of magnitude.

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精度与数量级成反比关系。Accuracy is anticorrelated with magnitude.

最大信号电流是在50毫安这个数量级。Maximum signal currents are of the order of 50 ma.

它的研究范围覆盖了45个数量级-,就是1后面带45个零那么多。They span 45 orders of magnitude-- a 1 with 45 zeroes.

整个可用的空间体积有立方米的数量级。And the available volume is on the order of meters cubed.

最终的资金损失,可能要达到千亿数量级。The eventual losses could run to several hundred billion dollars.

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这种仪器的温度测量精度可以达到10-5℃数量级。The instrument has a temperature measuring precision of up to 10-5℃.

那么我们会发现,平动动能贡献相同的数量级。We'll still get, we still do get, about the same order of magnitude.

电导率突然下降,约3个数量级。The electrical conductivity plummets about three orders of magnitude.

其他见证者报告的数量级类似。Other witnesses have reported numbers of a similar order of magnitude.

新型助推器能使有效负载几乎增加一个数量级.New boosters can increase the payload by almost one order of magnitude.

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它所包含的模式数量比频繁集所包含的模式数量小若干数量级。It has smaller orders of magnitude than the set of all frequent itemsets.

利用本地索引,滚入时间可得到数量级的降低。With local indexes, the time for roll-in is reduced by orders of magnitude.

约十个数量级的温标被用来量度。About 10 orders of magnitude have also been gained on the temperature scale.

在过去10年中,研究人员大约前进了一个数量级。In the last 10 years researchers have advanced by roughly an order of magnitude.

这一个数量级高于大多数国家最高的建筑标准。That’s an order of magnitude higher than the tallest building in most countries.

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研究的目标应该在纸上作业把目前的实验极限提升一个数量级。You should aim at improving the current limits by one order of magnitude on paper.

这些数据表明,输入阻抗的改进值为一个数量级。These figures show that the improvement of input impedance is within a factor of ten.

但是这种更昂贵的机器,将来会比现在同价位的机器在功能方面有着数量级的差别。But the more costly machines, he said, will have to move to new horizons of computing.