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我希望有一个混血宝宝。I hope we will have a mixed-blood.

混血王子的背叛。Harry Poter and the Half-Blood Prince.

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于是,这张专辑,是一个混血产物。The album, then, is a hybrid creation.

独角兽和飞马令人生畏的混血。Formidable hybrid of unicorn and Pegasus.

我觉得混血王子会更漂亮。I think half-blood prince would be more handsome.

你很难在2011年对一个混血小孩解释这事。It’s hard to explain to a biracial child in 2011.

混血王子也和他的“女的”朋友合照喔!Timmy also took some photos with his "girl" friends.

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请指出混血、异父母所生或领养关系。Indicate half blood, step or adoptive relation-ships.

一年以前,一只混血狗实现了我的一个愿望。A year ago, a mutt helped me fulfill one of my dreams.

带着黑框眼镜的混血创作歌手。She wears her black glasses, it's just a frame of her.

去年,一只名为“尤达”的中国冠毛犬和吉娃娃的混血狗摘得冠军。Yoda, a Chinese crested and Chihuahua mix, won last year.

有些人迁移而发现另一个种族并开始混血。Some migrated finding one another and began to interbreed.

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这是混血王子的冰可可,跟他的脸一样大咧!This is Timmy's icy chocolate. It's as big as Timmy's face.

在我小的时候养过一只小狗,蝴蝶犬和北京犬的混血。I was the one who half-blooded with peking dog and Papillon.

兰德鲁取代雷纳金混血的非裔美国人。Landrieu replace Ray Nagin who mixed blood African-American.

隋炀帝本人就是一个汉族与鲜卑族的混血帝王。Sui Yangdi is a mixed blood emperor between Han and Xianbei.

的爸爸是俄美混血,妈妈是日本人。She was born to a Russian-American father and Japanese mother.

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你最近看哈利波特与混血王子了吗?Did you watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince recently ?

所以我觉得自己和许多现在的欧洲人一样,是个混血。So I see myself as a mix, like many people currently in Europe.

诗以外的文字情绪,当然可是横排混血的很美丽。The emotion beyond poetry could be organized gracefully certain.