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朝三暮四。Morning three, night four.

简说男人都是朝三暮四的家伙。Jane claims that men are all two-timers.

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他朝三暮四,老是反复无常。He was very changeable, often blowing hot and cold.

她一方面总是批评人的本性朝三暮四。While she always criticized the fickleness of human nature.

不要与一位朝三暮四的人结婚。Try not to marry a person who is as changeable as the weather.

那家伙名声很坏,对待他四周的女孩们朝三暮四。That guy has a bad reputation of play fast and loose with the girls around him.

有些人说日语原文是“薄情”,另一些人说应该是“朝三暮四”。Some people say that the Japanese word used was 'fickle' and others say it was 'unfaithful.

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我们笑朝三暮四的猴子愚蠢,我们有没有发觉自己的愚蠢如猴子们呢?We laugh at the stupid monkeys for the allocations. Do we know that we are as stupid as the monkeys?

无论如何,如果你成为政府的傀儡,最好对赞助人的朝三暮四有点心理准备。However, when you're a creature of government you should be prepared for the vagaries of your patron.

我就知道你这种人,做什么都是朝三暮四,注定一事无成。I knew you were the kind of person who changes mind every three seconds, that's why you never get anywhere.

“朝三暮四”原来表示欺骗和愚弄的手段,后来改用来比喻说话、做事反复无常。This idiom originally meant to befool others with tricks. Later it is used to mean to keep changing ones' mind.

但对社会价值观的挑战也随之而来,尤其是“赶上琼斯家”这种人比人的物质主义和新的朝三暮四之风。But with that come challenges to social values, especially a keep-up-with-the-Joneses materialism and new uncertainties.

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他们是精心编排的舞蹈,告诉我们尽管在这受社会约束的世界里、在这情侣们朝三暮四的世界里,还存在着无条件的爱。The great films of Max Ophuls are elaborate dances of unconditional love in a conditional world of social constraints and fickle lovers.

玛丽的母亲警告她说,近来常和她一起出去的那个男孩对待女孩子的感情朝三暮四,名声不好。Mary's mother warns her that the boy with whom she has been going out recently has a bad reputation of playing fast and loose with the affection of girls.

十三一把把青萝拉到怀里,凑到她脸前偷了一个吻,“怕我朝三暮四就给我生个儿子,嗯?”"31 pull the green Luo to the breast, gather together she stole 1 to kiss before the face, " is afraid that I am undecided and then give birth to a son for me, H'm?

鉴于他们很容易喜新厌旧的本性,他们的一生可能会出现几次“朝三暮四”的情况—尤其是这些星座的男性。Given their propensity for having a low boredom threshold, they can “chop and change” their mates several times in their lifetime – especially the male of the species.

鉴于他们很容易喜新厌旧的本性,他们的一生可能会出现几次“朝三暮四”的情况—尤其是这些星座的男性。Given theirpropensity8 for having a low boredom threshold, they can "chop and change9" their mates several times in their lifetime – especially the male of the species.

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鉴于他们很容易喜新厌旧的本性,他们的一生可能会出现几次“朝三暮四”的情况—尤其是这些星座的男性。Given their propensity8 for having a low boredom threshold, they can “chop and change9” their mates several times in their lifetime – especially the male of the species.

格鲁吉亚异乎寻常速度的经济改革带来了GDP的两位数增长,博得了外国人的喝彩,可该国朝三暮四、急躁冒进的政治主张与外交政策却让外国人大失所望。Foreigners are wowed by Georgia's warp-speed economic reform-which has produced double-digit GDP growth-but dismayed by its erratic and hot-headed politics and diplomacy.

难道凡是第一次选择失当的人,无论因为对象朝三暮四,还是因为情况违逆多舛,就该一辈子漠然处之?Are those who have been disappointed in their first choice, whether from the inconstancy of its object, or the perverseness of circumstances, to be equally indifferent during the rest of their lives?