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如果这项新法律通过,我们势将失去我们在税赋方面享受的利益。If this new law is passed, we stand to lose our tax advantage.

在有的朝代,酒税还与徭役及其他税赋形式有关。In some dynasties, liquor tax with corvee and other tax related forms.

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两者之间不再有税赋优惠,完全中性化了If there's no tax advantage to one over the other it is completely neutral.

之后戈黛娃的丈夫遵守诺言,赦免了繁重的税赋。In the end, Godiva's husband keeps his word and abolishes the onerous taxes.

听说如果除了隐藏税赋还有其它的事情,那将是很有意思的。It will be interesting to hear if this is anything other than a stealth tax.

或者可以这么说,低经济增长即使对免税的个人来说也是一种隐性税赋。In other words, a slow economy imposes implicit taxes on untaxed individuals.

一些房屋出租人关心的出租房税赋偏高问题已得到初步解决。Housing rental housing lessors some concern has been the high initial tax settlement.

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高税赋对于身处相对较低收入阶层的她们也具有较少的影响。Higher taxation also affects them less since they tend to be in a lower income bracket.

更高的税赋对增长是有害的,而且纵容当前这种过度开支。Higher tax rates are destructive to growth and would ratify the recent spending excesses.

如果你打算投资备兑买入基金,那么另一个需要考虑的因素是其税赋。Another dimension to consider if you are looking at covered call funds is their tax implications.

在过去长达2600年漫长的岁月里,中国历代封建王朝和后来的许多届政府的主要财政收入都来自于农民的税赋。For 2600 years the central kingdoms and successive governments mainly depended on taxing the farmers.

与男性相较,女性更倾向用高税赋来维持如国民保健署这样的公共福利机构。Compared with males, females tend to be more in favour of higher taxes to fund provision such as the NHS.

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所以葛黛瓦劝说他的丈夫减轻税赋,他刚开始很不乐意,后来答应了,但是有个条件。So when Godiva persuaded her reluctant husband to reduce their tax burden, he agreed to do so at a price.

封地,封禄税赋的一种来源,如君主赐给皇族成员的领地。A source of revenue, such as land, given by a sovereign for the maintenance of a member of the ruling family.

那时他称,希望重新考虑此问题,但Cantor批评奥巴马在自己的税赋协议上都经常改变立场.He said at the time he wanted to revisit the issue, but Cantor accused Obama of flip-flopping on his own tax deal.

政府应该要想办法让经商容易,降低一些税赋并且用公正地去课征它。Governments should make it easier to start businesses and cut some taxes and collect honestly the ones they impose.

问题的关键是,无论是按照历史标准还是与其它国家相比,我们税赋并不沉重。The point is that we aren’t that heavily taxed, either by historical standards or in comparison with other nations.

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25年来,第一次通过政府的节省以减低企业的税赋,同时还不增加政府的财政赤字。And use the savings to lower the corporate tax rate for the first time in 25 years –- without adding to our deficit.

由于地肥产高,河南农民须交额外的税赋,他们已经没有多少存粮了。The peasants of Honan, farming good wheat land, had to pay extra heavy taxes and levies. Their grain reserves were almost gone.

纳税人直接参与税收治理和自由迁徙权是确保税赋公平的两支重要力量。It is of crucial importance that tax-payers have the right to directly participate in tax governance and to have free migration.