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奶牛以干草为生。Cows feed on hay.

他在用大车运干草。He is carting hay.

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他正在用大镰刀割干草。He's scything the hay.

干草捆好后再堆起来。The hay was baled and piled.

农民用干草喂牛。Farmers feed hay to the cows.

什么是澳大利亚燕麦干草?What is Australian Oaten Hay?

马在大声咀嚼干草。The horse is champing his hay.

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他那匹马对干草没有胃口。His horse is falling off its hey.

澳大利亚燕麦干草如何利用?How is Australian Oaten Hay used?

有些火星把干草给引着了。The sparks kindled the dry grass.

满载的是木料煤炭和干草儿。Filled with lumber, coal, and hay.

这堆干草可是无穷庞大。That haystack is infinitely large.

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他们用一部大机器将干草捆包。They use a big machine to bale Hay.

为何改换成澳大利亚燕麦干草?Why change to Australian Oaten Hay?

农夫们将卡车装满了干草。The farmers laded the truck with hay.

小屋上面用干草盖上了屋顶。The shed was roofed with dried straw.

在干草中嗡嗡不息的吵闹?Of insects in the windrows of the hay.

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孩子们舒适地蜷伏在干草上。The children snuggled down on the hay.

他用一把干草引燃了这些木柴。He ignited the wood with a band of hay.

我们把干草叉上大车。We pitchforked the hay into the waggon.