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你放养的牧人,因为它是。You herd the herder, as it were.

从前西部式放养哪里去了?Where did the old Western round-up go?

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如今,牧场只够放养10-30只牲畜。Now there is enough pasture for 10-30 only.

文蛤放养前要做好哪些准备工作?What to do before stocking clams preparations?

管理程序员就像是在放养一群猫。Managing programmers is like herding cats. -- unknown

水库里放养了许多种鱼。Various kinds of fish are being bred in the reservoir.

如果做的好,还可以提升放养率。If you do a good job you can raise your stocking rates.

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用于放养和繁育牛、羊或马的大型农场。Large farm for breeding and raising cattle, sheep, or horses.

为了防止过度生长,水池中只放养了一个品种的鱼类。To prevent is from becoming overgrown, one breeds fish there.

放养白蜡虫是农村非常有利的副业。Raising white wax insects is very profitable in the countryside.

无论何时,她都尽可能挑选在农场自由放养的有机动物的产品。Whenever possible, she finds free-range, organic animal products.

令人惊讶的是,当放养在湖泊里,锦鲤能长到三尺长。Amazingly, when placed in a lake, koi can grow to three feet long.

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自动饮水器则可以很好地解决放养马匹冬季饮水的问题。Automatic waterers are a good solution for outdoor wintering horses.

他们已经在着手增加牧畜放养密度。And have embarked on doing so by increasing the density of livestock.

草饲牛肉,自由放养的鸡与鸡蛋都是很好的选择。Grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, and cage-free eggs are good choices.

永远选择有机的、食用天然饮食的放养动物的肉类。Always opt for organic, free-range meats who have been fed natural diets.

这尾幼鲨出生不久便被放养在同一水箱内的黄貂鱼“扼杀”了。The baby was killed soon after birth by a stingray kept in the same tank.

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山羊被放养在高地的斜坡上,吃草时它们的铃铛叮当作响。Goats were kept on the upland slopes, their bells tinkling as they grazed.

他们的抗议最终取得了成功,鲨鱼被安全地放养到当地的海洋馆。They eventually secured the release of the shark into the local marine park.

她说自由放养的鸡比工厂化饲养出的鸡好吃多了。She says that free-range chickens taste much better than factory-farmed ones.