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她对日语的熟谙使我惊奇。Her familiarity with Japanese surprised me.

约翰,李克,顺即答答,您们己己熟谙吗?By the way, do you know each other?John and Rick.

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否则我们这些熟谙此道者,我们这些孤独的过客,我们这些癖色贪花之人,岂不早就癫狂了。Otherwise, we who are in the know, we lone voyagers, we nympholepts, would have long gone insane.

如许做节流了时间,但是假如不熟谙这些经常利用的缩写规矩,你就会感到很猜忌。This saves time, but it can also confuse people if they are not familiar with the current trends.

当一个人已经熟谙一门语言,能够用这门语言清楚明白地表达意思,it's very difficult when one is so articulate and is able to express exactly what you want to say,

我熟谙而且明了,假如真有其事,在他心目中,这就会给他的骗术增添一分风趣。I know , i understand what zest that would be sure to give to his betrayal of me , if it were true.

智者普雷格斯熟谙一些最神秘最反常的原力应用。Plagueis, the wise, was an adept of some of the most arcane and unnatural applications of the Force.

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蒋宋美龄是位杰出的外交家,只是对日本史不够熟谙。Madame Chiang Kai-shek was a diplomat par excellence. But she was not familiar with Japanese history.

有时他仿佛觉得,共济会,至少是他在此地所熟谙的共济会只是基于表面形式而已。Freemasonry , at least as he knew it here, seemed to him sometimes to rest simply upon formal observances.

盛小风先生是R&S公司资深的无线通信系统产品支持经理,熟谙多种通信标准,具有丰富的实践经验。Mr. Sheng Xiaofeng, Product Support Manager of R&S, has been working for 10 years in wireless telecom field.

可是,即使我们晓得真理,在熟谙真道前,我们仍然会表现笨拙,毫无优美可言。And yet even when we know the truth, we can still be awkward and graceless at times until we get the feel of it.

不论如何,中国人熟谙美国人这种愤慨和无奈交织的心态。Whatever the case, Chinese are well acquainted with Americans' feelings of indignation mixed with powerlessness.

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它们赞助我学到了职业道德的重要性、学会了独立,也使我熟谙到,实际天下中的很多事变场合有多么艰苦。They helped to teach me the importance of a work ethic, independence, and just how tough many real workplaces are.

哈代曾从事过基督教堂的建筑工作,这一经历为他成为熟谙基督教堂文化的小说家奠定了基础。Hardy has once been a church architect for many years, which transformed him into a writer well versed in church culture.

他熟谙中国的历史、地理、社会、文化等方面,不啻是一部活的中国近代史词典。He had a sound knowledge of Chinese history, geography, society and culture, like a living dictionary of Chinese contemporary history.

马利奥是拍摄杂志封面的专业户,也是戴安娜王妃生前喜爱的摄影师,跟威廉王子同样很熟谙。Mr Testino who regularly shoots cover images for the title, and was a favourite with Princess Diana, has long been friends with Prince William.

马里奥是拍摄杂志封面的专业户,也是戴安娜王妃生前喜爱的摄影师,跟威廉王子同样很熟谙。Mr Testino who regularly shoots cover images for the title, and was a favourite with Princess Diana, has long been friends with Prince William.

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要写好歌曲主题,不仅应把握歌词的主题、体裁、风格及其节奏、声韵,熟谙歌词所表达的情感、所塑造的形象以及所创造的意境,还应把握词曲关系。In composition of the theme of song, the theme, literary genre, style and rhythm of lyrics should be grasped correctly as well as the emotion and mood.

熊阔海熟谙军统分子都善于打着抗日的旗号中饱私囊,于是他小心应对,未露出丝毫的破绽。XiongKuo sea JunTong molecules are good at dozen craftsmen anti-japanese banner pocketed, so he did not show the slightest carefully to respond, the flaw.

谁也没有说一句关于博尔孔斯基的话,只有熟谙他的身世的人才怜悯他,说他死得太早了,留下了怀孕的妻子和脾气古怪的父亲。Nothing was said about Bolkonsky, and only those who had known him intimately regretted that he had died so young, leaving a wife with child, and his queer old father.