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足球成为他们殉国之道。They turned soccer to martyrdom.

他不愿看见自己的国家被敌人攻占,最终选择了以死殉国。He chose not to live and see his own country vanguished by the enemy.

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他的夜间生活主要是给那些在伊拉克或阿富汗以身殉国的士兵的家属写慰问信。Most evenings, he writes letters to the families of soldiers killed in Iraq or Afghanistan.

就在卡扎菲和他的儿子们决定宣称做“殉国者”之时,一场为解放黎波里而战的决定性战役已经迫在眉睫。With Qaddafi and his sons vowing to die in Libya, a decisive battle for the liberation of Tripoli seems imminent.

六月六日政府在国立墓地举行典礼,以追悼殉国的义士及官兵。Memorial Day On this day the nation pays tribute to the war dead, and memorial services are held at the national cemeteries. June 6th.

在剧烈的爆炸中,日寇的细菌武器库和日兵化作了灰烬,青风用年轻的生命壮烈殉国。Bacteria in the violent explosion, the Japanese aggressors Arsenal and day soldier into ashes, green wind with heroic being the lives of young people.

就在全体将士决心以身殉国的时候,志宏得知了母亲的死讯,决定组织敢死队引开敌人,剩下的人突围出去。When all the soldiers died for the country determined, Zhihong learned of the death of her mother, decided to divert the enemy death squads, break out the rest of the people.

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在讨论一叶诗的继承时,融道德继承与艺术继承于一体,突出了诗人伟大的爱国主义情操和以身殉国的民族气节。Concerned with the inheritance of the poems, this article combines moral and artistic inheritance, emphasizing the poet's patriotism and his integrity to die for his motherland.

为了唤起听众的共鸣,卡扎菲还谈到了以身殉国的荣耀,并敦促他的支持者聚集到阿兹亚地区以抗议北约对利比亚的侵略。Gadhafi in a fiery audio statement broadcast on state television invoked the glory of martyrdom and urged his supporters to flock to Bab Al-Azizya in a show of defiance to NATO aggression.

这日,国防部内务处处长祝勇前来找到徐汉元,告之徐汉元的儿子在前线英勇殉国,国民党内部决定释放徐汉元,并且官复原职。In this day, the defense ministry of the interiors ZhuYong to find Xu Hanyuan, tell Xu Hanyuan being in the front, the son of the kuomintang internal decision to release Xu Hanyuan, and office.