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我又一次感到一阵心酸。Again, I felt a sense of pain.

我把最心酸的委屈汇在那里。I collect the sad humiliation there.

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倒是释小龙,我看着心酸。I looked at ShiXiaoLong is very sad.

他们的情绪往往是是愤怒和心酸的。The mood is often resentful and sour.

大声的嘶喊出俄所有的心酸。Loud rages hoarsely out all of my sad.

这些实验藏着令人心酸的讽刺。This is the sad irony in these experiments.

她的话在玛丽心里引起了一阵特殊的心酸。Her words shot a strange pang through Marys heart.

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作为一个受害者,我们无力、心酸、困窘。And as a victim, we are powerless, bitter, and stuck.

听了,我的心,疼痛起来。心酸起来。Have listened to, my heart , pain get up. Get up sorrowfully.

按照西方的标准,她和她的邻居依然穷得令人心酸。By Western standards she and her neighbors remain achingly poor.

与泰姬陵有关的历史很令人心酸。The history connected with the Taj Mahal is a very poignant one.

他有些心酸地想,她是个孝顺女儿,但却把他弄得无所适从。A fine pious act, he thought sourly, but it left him at loose ends.

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心酸就像吞进了玻璃的碎片,满口的鲜血,却吐不出来。Sad like swallowed shards of glass, a mouthful of blood, but do not spit out.

CNN播出了一段令人心酸的采访,受访者是一名陷入贫困的女士。CNN broadcast a harrowing interview with one woman who has fallen into poverty.

这安静的啜泣声,是某个天使在为迷路的精灵所偷偷流下的心酸泪水。This quiet whimpering , is from an angel, she was tearing for the lossing fairy.

你不忍回忆过去,只怕往事引人心酸,催人泪下。You can not bear to recall the past, I am afraid that the past caused heart- rending , tear.

唐玄宗啊,唐玄宗,为了杨贵妃,历史竟也刻着一片帝王的心酸。Oh, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, your grief is carved into history only for Lady Yang, as it is.

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但是在东京以北200英里的石卷市,他的故事实在是普遍得让人心酸。But in the port town of Ichinomaki, 200 miles north of Tokyo, his story is disturbingly common.

“要是我还有多余的心酸的泪的话,我会为一件事而哭泣的,”她回答说。"Something that would make me weep, if there were any tears bitter enough for it, " answered she.

尽管这几周来姐弟俩的遭遇让人心酸,但是这对快一岁的双胞胎现在慢慢恢复了。Despite the weeks of heartache, the twins, who turn 1 this month, are now on the road to recovery.