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物价的趋向是仍在上涨。The trend of prices is still upwards.

这三样东西趋向于同时存在。These three things tend to go together.

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大势趋向和平。The tendency of events is towards peace.

眼下时尚趋向于穿着随便。Today's trend is toward less formal clothing.

自动形成的河槽是趋向于弯曲的。Self-formed river channels tend to be sinuous.

趋向恠2003苡逅宬儰向丄直到2005哖。The trend becomes upward after 2003 till 2005.

他们趋向于待在家里,自己做饭吃。They tend to stay at home, cooking ontheirown.

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网络捐款者也趋向于更难保留。Online donors also tend to be tougher to retain.

趋向几个幼鸟一次是不容易的。Tending to several fledglings at once isn't easy.

这种现象是晚明士风变化的新趋向。This appearance was a new trend in the late Ming.

这个在阿拉伯世界的趋势将趋向于干燥。The trend in the Arab world leans towards aridity.

你自己的同时代人都趋向于自我为中心。Your own contemporaries tend to self-centeredness.

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伊拉克战争的结束反映了另一种更大的趋向。The end of the war in Iraq reflects a larger trend.

这种有争议的趋势就是趋向于耍小聪明。The trend at issue is the trend towards cleverness.

经济的下滑招致了这种趋向。The economic downturn contribut thenes to the trend.

你总是趋向于你所关注的事情。You always move toward whatever you’re focussing on.

一旦你失去了忍耐力,事情将趋向于变得更糟。Once you lose your patience, things tend to go badly.

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中国许诺人民币将趋向于可自由兑换。China has pledged to move to full yuan convertibility.

在全球化的现在,美的标准趋向一统。In a globalized world, beauty standards tend to merge.

忙碌的美国人也趋向于吃一大堆“垃圾食物”。Americans on the go also tend to eat a lot of "junkfood.