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第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马被封为名誉主席。First Lady Michelle Obama is the honorary chairmen.

每个人都知道,这是第一夫人优先关注的事情。Everyone knows that this is the first lady’s priority.

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她是史上最爱时尚的第一夫人?Michelle Obama is the most fashion-friendly first lady.

我母亲挽住我的臂弯,好像第一夫人一般。My mom hold my hand as she was the wife of a president.

赖莎曾经是苏联最独特的”第一夫人“。Raisa was the most unusual “first lady” of the USSR ever.

他的妻子梅拉尼娅·特朗普也将以新第一夫人的身份亮相。His wife, Melania Trump, will serve as the new First Lady.

大使夫人吴华和塞第一夫人在欢迎仪式上Ambassador's Wife and the First Lady at the Welcoming Ceremony

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玛歌迅速地换成“戏剧第一夫人”的那副举止神态。Margo changes swiftly into a first-lady-of-the-theater manner.

做个父亲其实和做第一夫人一样惨。Teeter-totter caught up between bein" a father &a prima donna."

我的妻子,第一夫人米切尔·奥巴马,跟我有类似的经历。My wife, our First Lady Michelle Obama, she has a similar story.

奥巴马是穆斯林和外国人,第一夫人在花着公民的钱过着奢侈的生活。He’s Muslim and foreign. She’s living the luxe life on your dime.

第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马和副总统拜登也将出席。First lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Biden will also attend.

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“爵士第一夫人”埃拉·菲茨杰拉德将永远存留在人们的记忆中。Ella Fitzgerald will always be remembered as "The First Lady of Song.

推广读写能力是萝拉身为第一夫人的主要计画。Promoting literacy is one of Laura Bush's main projects as first lady.

几十年来,国家第一夫人都是一身过时的打扮,杰克的夫人却是那么时尚典雅。After decades of frumpy first ladies, Jackie was so stylish and elegant.

很多分析家认为第一夫人简直就是一个难解之谜。At least one political analyst finds the First Lady something of a cipher.

不过,媒体可能会把更多的注意力放在第一夫人劳拉身上。But most media attention is likely to be focused on First Lady Laura Bush.

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说真的,我猜连第一夫人都可能会真假难辨。In fact I'd guess even the first lady might have trouble telling them apart.

作为第一夫人,梅拉尼亚说她希望针对网络霸凌问题上做些事。As first lady, Melania has said she wants to work on combating cyber bullying.

尽管极为不悦,第一夫人还是从本月14日这起“鞋弹事件”中看到了积极的一面。But despite her unhappiness, the first lady saw an upside to the Dec. 14 event.