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那些常春藤攀援而上,爬满了整面墙。The wall is covered all over with ivy.

流水将岩石冲刷得像面玻璃,以致于她很难向上攀援。The water polishes the rock "like glass."

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心识总是在攀援目标。Consciousness is always focused on objects.

攀援植物给院墙披上了绿装。Climbing plants clothed the courtyard walls.

攀援植物的卷须就有向触性。The tendrils of climbing plants are thigmotropic.

绝不像攀援的凌霄花。I will never resemble scrambling trumpet creepers.

他颤抖,但必须尽可能的向高处攀援。He trembles , but must investigate as high as he can climb.

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现在塔旁建有云梯,可以攀援而上。Now tower built beside the ladder, you can climb themselves up.

茉莉和攀援植物被种植在一些大型的陶器中。Jasmine and climbing plants are placed in some large ceramic pots.

他们穿过一个被攀援植物和藤蔓植物缠绕的丛林。They made their way through a jungle woven with creepers and vines.

垂直绿化大部分是通过攀援植物来实现。Most vertical afforestation can be achieved by with the climber material.

旧大陆攀援植物,有硬壳的瓶状果实。Old World climbing plant with hard-shelled bottle-shaped gourds as fruits.

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它的茎向上攀援,象征向上发达、兴旺。Its stem climbs up upwardly , the symbol is upwardly developed, is prosperous.

攀援植物区系具有更强的热带性亲缘。The flora of climbing plants in Shandong had stronger tropical genetic relation.

约1800余种,包括草本植物、林木、灌木、攀援植物以及一些水生植物。There are about 18000 species, which include herbs, trees, shrubs, climbers, and some aquatics.

攀援向上朝向上的方向生长,如某些植物,通常以缠绕茎干或卷须向上攀援。To grow in an upward direction, as some plants do, often by means of twining stems or tendrils.

恐龙拥有铰链式的踝关节,因此它们无法旋转足部进行攀援。Because dinosaurs had hinged ankles, they could not rotate their feet and they couldn't climb well.

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攀援植物因其独特的生长习性在城市立体绿化中的应用越来越广泛。Climbing plant is applied widely in vertical greening of urban area due to its special growth behavior.

这是一种想直接证悟的宗教,妄图攀援绝壁的人必将烦恼重重,自食其果。This is direct religion, which is full of anxiety and responsibility for him who attempts its steep cliffs.

包括附生植物和攀援植物的根,这些根或悬挂在空气中或直立于树干或枝条上。Examples include the roots of epiphytes and climbers, which hang down in the air or stick to a trunk or branch.