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我用一台电脑写作,不用笔。I write with a computer instead of a pen.

我还在用笔写,它是我的老朋友了。I'm still using the pen. It's my old friend.

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练习用笔作追踪器和定速器。Practice using the pen as a tracker and pacer.

现在,文字都是靠电脑敲打,不用笔了。Now, word comes from a computer beat, without a pen.

用笔写上你的蔬菜、水果的名字。Use a Sharpie to write your vegetable and fruit names.

答题纸上的每一个空格都要用笔清楚的涂满。You may use a distrbuted whiteout to correct the answer sheet.

许久没提笔了。险些忘记了本身尚会用笔。Long time no write. Almost forgot itself still can use the pen.

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赵之谦的篆、隶用笔,金农的“漆书”。Zhao Zhiqian's Fragrance, scribe pen, McKinnon's "paint books."

这次请用笔记下来,看看习惯用语是多么有趣好懂。This time take note how idioms are funny and thus easy to remember.

他用宝剑未能完成的事业,我将用笔杆来完成。He finished with the sword to cause, I will use the pen to complete.

只能心算。这意味着在测试过程中不能用笔和纸。You must work mentally. Do not use pencil or paper during this test.

现实的修理费用笔我们预期的要低得多。Theactualcostof repairs was a lot less tha fantastic we had expected.

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车窗和车轱辘,还有烟,我们用笔画上这些。Windows and wheels, and smoke, we can use our pencil to draw them on.

坐在窗前的老鹅毛笔,用笔,用一般的女仆说。In the window sat an old quill-pen, with which the maid generally wrote.

我的记性很坏,听到什么东西就非用笔记下来不可。I have a memory like a sieve , so I have to note down everything I heard.

Sara用笔形电筒照向他睁开的双眼,但是Michael对照射光线并无反应。She flashes her penlight across his open eyes, but Michael doesn’t react.

再在她脸上用笔画了画,便是一个矮小的小男人。Used brush stroke on her face again drawing, would be a short small mini man.

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你可以试着用笔画出来,然后确认它看起来是这样的。So, you can try to plot them by hand and confirmed that it does look like that.

他们用用手、用笔、用眼色交谈,分享着生活中的喜悦和悲伤。They use the hand, With pen, Converses with the look, Shares is joyful and is sad.

书法用笔的参入,给脸谱绘画带来了流动的节奏。The calligraphic paint-brushing brings flowing rhythm to the work of mask painting.