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启动问题。“GTS的挡泥板上的燃气轮机。GTS of the "fender" on the gas turbines.

这台燃气轮机以它抽入的燃料为能源。The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.

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原动机为燃气轮机的热力发电机组。A thermal generating set driven by a gas turbine.

通用海事公司将为每艘舰艇提供四种燃气轮机模块。GE will provide four gas turbine modules per vessel.

在燃气轮机里,水蒸汽推动的是叶片。In a steam turbine, the steam pushes against blades.

叙述了燃气轮机在油田拖动注水泵的应用情况。Narrated the application of gas-turbine drive water injection pump.

在巡航时,燃气轮机为风扇供电并为电池充电。In cruise, the gas turbine powers the fans and recharges the batteries.

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燃气轮机及蒸汽轮机端的发电机产生电能。Electric power is produced from both the gas and steam turbine-generators.

将有或将不会出现了英菲尼迪标志,日产燃气轮机-R的基础轿车?Will there or won't there be an Infiniti- badged , Nissan GT-R based sedan?

本文介绍了德国西门子公司的燃气轮机的市场情况。This article reveals the market situation on gas turbine produced by SIEMENS.

阐述了燃气轮机降低氮氧化物排放的方法。This paper summarized the methods of decreasing NOx emission from gas turbine.

系列燃气轮机,打着新厂生产306马力和295磅英尺的扭矩。In 5-Series GT -guise the new mill makes 306 horsepower and 295 lb-ft of torque.

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介绍了微型燃气轮机驱动的分布式能源系统。The distributed energy system driven by micro-turbine is introduced in this work.

这款车的原始概念采用了两个微型燃气轮机来为电池发电。The original concept used two micro-turbines to generate power for its batteries.

一种可独立地连接到燃气轮机的中心毂组件上的旋流叶片。A swirl vane is independently connectable to a central hub assembly of a gas turbine.

文章对由燃料电池和燃气轮机组成的混合发电系统的性能进行了分析。This paper addresses the performance analysis of a fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid system.

最后,本文研究了微型生物质气燃气轮机系统系统的工作特性。Finally, this paper studied the characteristics of MGT system for gasified biomass fuel.

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本文建立了回注蒸汽型燃气轮机的非线性数学模型。Nonlinear mathematical models for a steam-injected gas turbine are drived in this paper.

LM-2500燃气轮机将在通用公司俄亥俄州埃弗代尔工厂完成制造和测试。The LM2500 gas turbines will be manufactured and tested at GE's Evendale, Ohio, facility.

对燃气轮机模型的仿真研究说明了这种调节器的鲁棒性。The simulation study of a gas-turbine model demonstrates the robustness of the controller.