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我们培养孩子,也是要为国争光!We raise our children to bring glory to the country!

他在科学上的贡献为我们国家争光。His contributions to science do honor to our country.

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我想成为一个体育明星,为国争光。I want to become a star athlete and make China proud.

她的目标是成为一名体育明星,为国争光。Her goal is to become a star athlete and make China proud.

托马斯不论在哪个岗位上,都能为校争光。Thomas could be a credit to the school in any station of life.

罗拉和凯克争取一切机会为美利坚争光。Lola and Keiko take every opportunity to stand tall for America.

每个篮球队员必须创造好成绩,为国争光。Every cager must attain good results snd win honour for the country.

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没几个运动员有这种在奥运赛场上为国争光的机会。So few athletes have this chance to play in the Olympics for their country.

我热爱集体,在集体活动中,为班级争光。I love the collective, collective activities, winning glory for the classes.

拿大奖,为国争光,让全世界小孩都看我的动画片。Gain many prizes for nation. Children all over the world will watch my cartoons.

他们心中只有一个坚定的信念,一定要为自己国家争光。It only have an Attic faith in their heart, must win glory for oneself's nation.

竞技体操是我国“奥运争光计划”的一个重点项目。Competitive gymnastics is the accented of "Program of Striving for Olympic Glory".

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为国争光的志愿激励运动员刻苦训练。The desire to win glory for their country impels the athletes to train diligently.

因此,我们要从我做起,从身边做起,从小事做起,努力为北京争光添彩。Therefore, we should start with ourselves, act now, and make every possible effort.

愿你羊年赢银羊,为国争光赚外羊!Wish you a sheep year won silver sheep, winning glory for the country to make sheep!

杨争光是书生的头发,农民的脸,智者的眼睛,隐士的笑。Yang has a scholar's hair, a peasant's face, a wise man's eyes and a hermit's smile.

你的欢笑飞扬在赛场,为班争光数你最棒。Your laughter flying in the arena, winning glory for the number of classes you best.

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但是北京奥运会使人们愿意为国争光做贡献。But the Beijing Olympics has made people willing to contribute to the nation's glory.

为了能为我班争光,只要一有空,我就把大家聚集在一起排练。In order to win glory for my class, as long as one time, I put together all rehearsals.

你实在太不像话了,你可以看起来像个新娘,可是你永远也不会为你们家的人争光!You are a disgrace! You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honor!