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天道无亲,常与善人。It sides only with the good man.

约翰要跟我们天道去吃午饭吗?Is John coming with us for lunch ?

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功成而身退,这才合于天道。To retire after success is the tao of heaven.

这个传统可以“天道”概括。This tradition can be summarized as "Tiandao".

天道,只顾享乐,无心修佛。Who pleasure, not intentional of heaven, the Buddha.

与此不同,西方人则认为天道更近于人道。In contrast, Westerners think that Heaven is more near-human.

王船山同宋明理学家一样,认为人性中包含着“天道”和“人道”两部分。Mencius believed that the way of heaven and the human nature int.

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哎!他们不知道这正是天道好还。Alas! they do not know that this is exactly the justice of heaven.

天道之托让美国成为自由的守护者。Providence entrusted the United States to be the guardian of liberty.

老子的“道”是对“天道”加以进一步抽象所得。Laozi' dao is derived from the further interpretation of Way of Heaven.

一个人如果能以至诚之心待人,那他的心就与天道相吻合。If a person can the sincerity of heart, that his heart and Providence coincide.

通过对人事的分析,说明天道不可信。Through the analysis of personnel, indicating the Way of Heaven not be trusted.

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同时也是为了防止主体的僭越,以引导人们顺应天道,追求圣人境界。Meanwhile he intended to guide people to heavenly law in pursuit of the sage realm.

如果是人道、天道里面的善男子、善女人,只需具足前面一条就够了。Good men and good women in the heaven and human realms need only meet the First Condition.

可是知天下,见天道并非一定要打坐禅修才能获得,这一点却是可以肯定的。But I am sure that knowing the heaven's Tao, it is unnecessary through sitting, practice of Zen and yoga.

所以有时候我在想艺术家就是阿修罗,而真正的天道又有几个人能达到而进入呢?So sometimes I think that the artist is Aaura, but how many in the real Heaven Dao could reach and access to?

因此,仁与天道、天命有内在联系,不只是主观的“心理本体”。Therefore, the Ren and Heaven, heaven are intrinsically linked, not just subjective "psychological identity."

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那麽圣人之制礼义还会不会有来自天道的意志或普遍原理的依据呢?Then is the saints' instituting of rituals and rites founded on the heavenly mandate or any universal principles?

自然界,阴阳相合是天道,总还是需要迎客松来增加那么一点女人的柔媚。In Nature, Yin and Yang are consistent or united. A Guest-Greeting Pine may add a bit gentle and lovely temperament.

佛教中的“涅槃”让人进入一个极乐世界,道教的顺“天道”而亡就有一了百了的寓意。Buddhism in the "Nirvana" leaves into a Paradise, Taoism Shun "Heaven" to death, there be the end of the implication.