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但是人类失信了。Somehow, humans are dishonest.

他永远不会改变,也不会失信。He never changes and he never fails.

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二是违法违规,失信于民。Two is illegal, lose the trust of the people.

如果许诺没有实现,就是失信或不讲信用。If the promise hasn't been kept, the Faith is broken.

⊙、有什么样的孤独能比失信于人更加孤独呢?What kind of loneliness can more lonely than letting people?

因为一旦失信于人,友谊便无法弥补。You can't patch up a friendship once the confidence is lost.

失信成本过低会纵容“坏孩子”。Too low a credit-loss cost may connive "the spoilt children".

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如果我们失信并且错过目标,其他人就会认为我们失败了。If we over promise and miss our target, others will say we failed.

有人主动讲述了他的老板如何失信于他的故事。One man volunteered his story about how his boss had violated his trust.

不要因为失信于人而羞辱神的圣名。Don't bring shame to the name of Christ by not living up to your promises.

除非新政权能提供这些服务,否则他们将很快失信于民。New authorities lose credit quickly unless they can deliver these services.

不要失信于人,哪怕只有一次,否则将没有人再相信你。Don't break a promise even for one time, or people will not trust you again.

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他们的忽视,过错,自身酿造的丑闻已失信于公众。Their negligence, faults and scandals made themselves distrusted by the public.

因失信村民,金香甘愿受罚退位让贤。Because of breach of the villagers, the incense are willing to be punished stepped back.

面对当今社会的种种无信失信现象,重塑信用已成为全社会的共同呼声。Facing with phenomenon without honest promise, rebuilding honest promise has been common voice.

然而令人震惊的是,放款损失备抵以及失信之间的比例达到了十五年来的最低。Alarmingly, the ratio of loan-loss provisions to duff credit is at its lowest level in 15 years.

可口可乐失信是由可口可乐前卫设计,创造视觉诗歌创新的网站。Coke Faithless is the innovative website with edgy design from Coca-Cola to create visual poetry.

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下面举一些例子——这里有些细节我不便透露,因为我不能失信于我的朋友。A few examples –though I have to keep the details cloudy, as I can’t breach my friends’ confidence.

今天有不少经常失信的基督徒,实在令人婉惜。It is a great pity that so often Christians in our local churches fail to do what they are asked to do.

旧的已破,新的未立,失信问题成为我国目前经济乃至社会整体面临的最严峻的问题之一。With no updated regulations in place, losing-credit has become one of the most severe problems in our society.