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发表论文50多篇,著书3部,获软件著作权6项。Publications include over 50 papers and 3 books and 3 software copyrights.

我对书籍的热爱从未减弱,日后还引导我自己撰文著书。My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing books myself.

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这对于一个曾经在铁路旅行方面著书的国家是很可悲的。That's quite pathetic for a country that used to write the book on rail travel.

可能是史上,一介作者著书所获的最大报酬。It was probably the highest honorarium ever received by an author for writing a book.

就像所有相似的分类方法一样,分卷著书大概也比柏拉图时代要迟一些。The division into books, like all similar divisions, is probably later than the age of Plato.

二十七岁,发愤著书,科学哲学无所终,故写小说,博大家一笑,没什么了不得。When 27, I resolved to write books inconsequence of no achievements in science and philosophy.

错题本是贯穿我数学复习整个过程的一本“自著书”!Complex problem is perforative originally a " that my maths reviews whole process writes book " oneself!

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太阳公公一起床,学生们就乖乖地背著书包上学去。鹿谷乡想找个偷懒的人,还真不容易。UP and running with the sun, a group of students heads for school. It's hard to find a lazybones in Luku.

由于祁红的独特地位,学术界对其名茶文化展开了研究,并著书甚多。Because of its unique position, the academia did studies on Keemun Black Tea, and published numerous books.

群组用户共享一个群组博客、论坛,并且寻找志同道合的人将来可以协作著书。Group members share a group blog, forum, and find like-minded individuals for future collaboration efforts.

五四前后的外国文学翻译早就引起了学术界的关注,著书立卷者颇多。Literature translation around the May 4th Movement has long attracted the attention of the domestic academia.

在著书期间,他充当了弗尔的训练师,并帮助弗尔取得了冠军称号。He acted as Foer's trainer during preparations for the book and helped him achieve his championship performances.

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陆游出身于文化世家,其家世历来重视藏书、刻书和著书。Luyou was born in a culture family which paid attention to collecting books, inscribing books and compiling books.

如果说当时我有志著书的话,我会写什么样的书是显而易见的。So it is clear what kind of books I wanted to write, in so far as I could be said to want to write books at that time.

我儿、还有一层、你当受劝戒.著书多、没有穷尽.读书多、身体疲倦。Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.

“发愤著书”的发生是在愤怒的情感过滤、沉淀之后,可以说它的发生是在“平和”的情感基调上的审美创造。"Fen"was one of human emotions , which formed its emotion esthetics view and produced its psychological esthetics mechanism.

另一个司法权的条件是争议中的当事人有著书面的同意将争议移交ICSID来处理。Another jurisdictional requirement is that the parties to the dispute have consented in writing to submit the dispute to ICSID.

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一种类似希拉里著书,所提,“养育一名小孩需要整个村子的协力“,她明显援引自柏拉图。A sort of variation of Hillary Clinton's book " that "it takes a village to raise a child," comes right out of Plato apparently.

她运作非营利博客时间最久,她是Zoetica的首席执行官,她即将与人著书“网络化的非营利”。She has the longest running blog for non profits, is the CEO of Zoetica and co-author of the upcoming book, “The Networked Nonprofit”.

笛卡尔是法国著书自然科学家、数学家,是西方近代哲学的创始人之一。Decare was a famous natural scientist and mathematician of France, and he also was one of the creative men in modem western philosophy.