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比较它。Compare it.

比较复杂It's complicated.

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这段话比较晦涩,但是很明智。Ugly, but sensible.

我比较喜欢生啤。I prefer draft beer.

比较室壁运动。Compare with Kinesis.

我是比较没有耐心。I have less patience.

我比较喜欢路易十七。I prefer Louis XVIII.

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我比较喜欢听钢琴曲。I prefer piano music.

春天比较好。Springtime is better.

您和谁比较接近?Who did you approach?

哪一个班比较大?。Which claSs is bigger?

其实你比较好啦.You are better though.

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和比较少的精力一顶帽子。A hat with less pizazz.

我是比较严肃的。I'm being half-serious.

都是些比较数学的方法That was sort of mathy.

它们可能比较含羞。They can be pretty shy.

比较激发光谱。Compare action spectrum.

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我不会念经,还是你比较重要,小和尚。Let me go, don't say no.

我需要做比较。Well, I have to compare.

谁比较高,你还是他?Who's taller, yuo or he?