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你可以邮寄电子贺卡。You could send an e-card.

您想按水陆路邮寄还是按航空邮寄?。By surface mail or by airmail?

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我们通过空邮寄信。We sent the letter by air mail.

你没有读过他们的邮寄宣传单吗?Haven't you read their junk mail?

请用航空信方式邮寄。Please send this letter by airmail.

我们可怎么给他邮寄照片呢?How would we ever mail him the photo?

我必须航空邮寄这包裹。I need to have this package? air mailed.

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我会直接邮寄QSL卡片给你。I will send my QSL card to you directly.

我能不能把这些书做印刷品邮寄?Can I send these books as printed matter?

我想知道你是否能帮我邮寄点东西。I wonder if you could post something for me.

这个通过航空邮寄的邮费是多少?How much is the postage of the package by air.

退租后代为邮寄信件。Post the coming mails for the check-out tenant.

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邮寄地址将很快公布。FYI, the mailing address will be announced later.

可通过邮寄,打电话,发传真或发电子邮件或亲自定票。Booking by post, phone, fax ore-mail or in person.

邮件被盖上退还邮寄人的印戳退回。It came back with "return to sender"stamped on it.

我把那些书包扎好拿去邮寄。I bundled up those books and took them to the post.

包裹在邮寄前一定要捆好。Make sure the parcel is tied up before you mail it.

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本店均以邮寄方式发售,绝不会面交。This store all sells by mailing , not face to face.

邮寄地址,市,省,邮区号码及国家。Mailing Address, City, State, Zip Code, and Country.

邮寄的申请书须于12月12日以前寄达。Postal applications must be received by 12 December.