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他知道,宝将是一个,长此以往这一点。He knows that Wen will be the one, if things go on like this.

长此以往,高压力就会导致严重健康问题。Over time, high levels of stress lead to serious health problems.

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长此以往孩子对家长的依赖性会更强。Children may become more dependent on their parents in the long term.

但是,长此以往,积少成多,这将越来越成为科学家们所担忧的问题。It's a phenomenon that scientists have become increasingly worried about.

但长此以往,你自然就耐力变强,疲惫渐少。But over the long term, you'll enjoy increased stamina and reduced fatigue.

现在我改了,因为我意识到长此以往,你会付出健康的代价。Now I don't do that anymore because I realize it takes a toil on the health in the long run.

调整好你的闹钟,长此以往,你的身体就会慢慢适应,做到每天在特定的时间醒来。Set your alarm clock so your body learns that it needs to wake up every day at a certain time.

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但是也有一些人担心如果乔布斯无法回归,长此以往公司究竟该如何发展下去。But some raise questions as to what will happen over the long term if Mr. Jobs does not return.

因此,这样长此以往,一部分断层似乎形成了自己的地震预防机制。So given enough time, parts of the fault seem to develop their own earthquake prevention mechanism.

艾伦·格林斯潘则在下月付梓的简装本传记中断言,“长此以往,这种做法会毁了美联储”。Alan Greenspan, in the paperback edition of his memoir, due out next month, makes a similar argument.

长此以往,学生学习语文的兴趣日趋下降。Continuously for a long time hence, the student will study the language the interest to dro day by day.

若家长长此以往,那儿子会认为家中真容不下他了。If his parents keep responding in this way, the son will begin to feel there\'s no place for him in the home.

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痴迷于上网可以尽一时之欢,但长此以往,必然出现网络并发症。Surely it's fun to be on Internet, however, Internet complications are very possible to happen in the long run.

您可能在短期内节约了培训成本,但如果长此以往,您会变得一团糟。You might get away with skimping on training in the short term, but you will get burned if you do so for too long.

昨日,可口可乐公司对汇源果汁公司的出价引发顾虑重重,人们担心长此以往国内品牌都将被国外企业所接管。Coca-Cola's offer yesterday for Huiyuan Juice has caused worry at national brands being taken over by foreign firms.

以充电电池取代抛弃式电池,长此以往既可省钱又可以减少土地污染。By using rechargeable batteries instead of disposables, you will save money and reduce land pollution in the long term.

考验和操纵可以消除欢乐、破坏亲情、削弱知识并且,长此以往,摧毁亲子关系。Testing and manipulation can eliminate fun, destroy affection, impair learning and--over the long run--ruin relationships.

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“坐着的时候,膝盖呈90度弯曲,肌腱和髋部屈肌一直被压缩,臀部肌肉被拉伸,”马戈说,“这将导致肌肉和关节大幅收紧,长此以往,你的肢体动作变得不再自由和舒展,疼痛和受伤却比原来更加频繁。”This leads to muscles and joints tightening so much that your body moves less freely and is more prone to pain and injury.

有氧运动会让你短时间内感到疲倦。但长此以往,你自然就耐力变强,疲惫渐少。Aerobic exercise may make you tired in the short term. But over the long term, you'll enjoy increased stamina and reduced fatigue.

如果我们再进一步放宽时间的界限,长此以往,我们势必生活在一个每一分钟都何其相似乃尔的世界上。Should we go even further in relaxing the boundaries of time until we live in a world in which every minute is much like every other?