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所有来盐碱地的旅行都非常程序化。All the tours to the salt flats are really standard.

盐碱地和泥滩吸引了大量水鸟。The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.

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我们试图在海滨附近的盐碱地上重种植物。We try to revegetate the saline or alkaline lands near the seashore.

猪毛菜可以作为盐碱地“生物脱盐器”。Therefore, S. collina may be used as biological ameliorant of salt soil.

土默川平原地处半干旱地区,分布着大量的盐碱地,且土壤盐渍化有加重和扩大的趋势。Tu-mo-chuan plain located in the semi-arid area has plenty of saline or alkaline land.

这个结果将对滨海泥质盐碱地盐土的造林绿化和土地复垦提供理论依据。The results provide theoretical basis in afforestation and land reclamation in saline-alkali land.

看看这些白色的盐碱地,把内华达化成一个麻风病人吧。Why, having in view these white alkali-patches that chiefly characterize Nevada, paint her as a leper.

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我有时候感觉北京也是块盐碱地,到处都像盐碱地,是荒漠。Sometimes I feel Beijing is a saline and alkaline land too, everywhere like a saline-alkali soil or a desert.

以马蔺为材料,研究了马蔺在松嫩平原盐碱地生长的特性和渗透调节能力。A study was conducted to determine growth characteristics, capacity of osmotic adjustment of Iris Lactea Pall.

研究结果可为中捷农场盐碱地造林与植被恢复提供理论依据。It may provide a theoretical basis for the restoration of vegetation on saline-alkali land in the Zhongjie farm.

介绍了磷石膏的基本性状以及在盐碱地改良中的研究现状。Basic characters of phosphogypsum and its research status in the improvement of saline-alkali land were introduced.

重度盐碱地可开采高矿化地下水,生产芒硝和食盐。Highly mineralized groundwater can be explored from strongly salinized land thus producing mirabilite and table salt.

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耐盐苜蓿是适于盐碱地生长的优质牧草,是发展盐碱地区畜牧业生产的种质资源。Salt-tolerant alfalfa is adapted to grow in salt soil, and is a good germplasm for animal husbandry in salt soil area.

系统阐述了慈溪开发区盐碱地景观绿化原土种植苗木以及原土种植绿化的成本优势。The original soil planting seedlings for landscaping in this area and its cost advantage was expounded systematically.

如何利用大面积的盐碱地,提高作物耐盐性是生物科学的一个重要研究课题。How to use the great area saline soil and improve the tolerance of salt is an important research subject in bioscience.

可以推广活性微生物菌肥在盐碱地造林方面的应用。It is suggested that the application of microorganism fertilizer to forestation on saline-alkali soil should be popularized.

吉林省西部的松嫩平原是世界上三大苏打盐碱地集中分布区之一。Songnen plain in the western of Jilin province is one of the three major regions of soda salt-alkalinized soil in the world.

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他们从灌木丛废墟中来到一片铁轨欧昂的平坦坚硬的盐碱地上。They stepped out from among the ruins of their sagebrush booth upon a patch of hard, bare earth close to the railroad track.

这最终会为世界各地生活在干旱,盐碱地的数百万人提供食品保障。That could eventually help improve food security for the millions of people that live in dry and salty places around the world.

一旦土地变成焦土,或者盐碱地,一旦沿海和地势低的地区长期被水覆盖,这些人群不可能回到家园。If land is parched or salinated, if coastal and low-lying areas are permanently under water, these people cannot simply go home.