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这些数据又是防汛防旱及水利工程建设和管理的决策依据。These data is still the gist of preventing the flood and drought.

“七门三堰”是安徽舒城境内古老的水利工程。"Qimen Sanyan" barrage is an ancient water project in Shucheng, Anhui.

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红河县最大的水利工程-俄垤水库。This is Erdi reservoir, the biggest irrigation project in Honghe county.

在水利工程中,渗流广泛存在于土石坝之中。Seepage exists widely in earth-rockfill dams in water conservancy projects.

这项水利工程使这一带的水患得到了根除。This water conservancy project eliminated the scourge of floods in this area.

三峡大坝是长江流域最大的水利工程。The Three Gorges Dam is the largest water conservancy project in Yangtze Vally.

坎儿井作为一项地下水利工程,具有高的人文价值。Karez is a great underground water project which has very much high Humane Value.

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这些水利工程的修建,反映了秦文化重农、重功利的文化价值观。This reflected the culture values that stress agriculture and utility or purpose.

小浪底工程是我国运用国际惯例建设的大型水利工程。Xiaolangdi project is a large hydraulic project with international practice in China.

通常,中国的水利工程未经仔细审查,政府便会匆忙上马执行。In general, scrutiny of China’s water projects is scant, and the government is in a hurry.

还有在水利工程中坝顶溢流、闸下出流等问题。And the problem of crest overflow and the flow under the gate in hydraulic engineering, etc.

都江堰水利工程修建于公元前250年的战国时期。The Dujiangyan Irrigation Project was completed around 250 BC during the Warring States Period.

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葛洲坝水利枢纽工程是长江干流上兴建的第一座大型水利工程。Gezhouba Water Control Project across the river, the Gezhouba Dam, the River, Xiba and Sanjiang.

山西省坪上应急引水工程是山西省重点水利工程。The level ground emergency water diversion project is Shanxi provincial key hydro-power project.

在水利工程中,闸堰出流是最为普遍的一种水力现象。In Hydraulic Engineering, the outflow of weir and sluice is the most common hydraulic phenomenon.

尼尔基水利枢纽工程位于嫩江干流上,是嫩江干流上唯一大型控制性水利工程。The Nierji water complex is only big dominant water project in the main stream of Nenjiang river.

黔北水利工程岩溶渗漏可分力四大类十亚类。There are four types and ten subtypes of the karst leakage in the hydrotechnics of north Guizhou.

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对于水利工程中的闸门监控,设计和开发了基于PLC的现场监控系统。Field Control System of Sluices in hydraulic engineering based on PLC is designed and implemented.

尼尔基水利枢纽是嫩江干流上第一座控制性的大型水利工程。Nierji water complex is the first dominant big hydro project in the main stream of Nenjiang river.

因此,有必要对县市级水利工程信息化管理系统进行研究与开发。So it's necessary to do research on country level water conservancy information management system.