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独自和千头万绪。Alone and in multitude.

千头万绪涌上心头。A thousand confused thoughts come to one's mind.

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佛经里千头万绪,法多的叫人记不清、背不完。There are countless dharmas in many Buddhism sutras.

你别多心,我只是就一般而论。心里千头万绪,又不知从何说起。There are a lot of things I want to say, but I don't where to start.

想想没有遇见你以前的每一天,我生活得千头万绪,不知所措。Thinking about my life before I met you. Never could I have had a clue.

斯特普尔的工程师背景让他在应对这种千头万绪的危机时一筹莫展。Nothing in Stempel's engineering background had prepared him for this kind of multi-pronged crisis.

当神开始行动的时候,祂就会将千头万绪的事物聚拢一起,带来意想不到的结果。When God begins to move, He can bring together all the threads and the results are always remarkable.

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不过今天爸爸却不愿多说什么,况且我们新生活的还有千头万绪要理,结果我也就忘了他的什么惊喜了。Today, however, Dad would say no more, and, caught ups in the busyness of our new life, I eventually forgot about his surprise.

文化教育的事千头万绪,人世间乃至宇宙间的一切事物都是需要地球人类去认知和学习的。Cultural education things much, human life and all the phenomena in the universe are needed to earth human cognitive and learned.

新兴、发展市场当前的风险千头万绪,而货币政策仅为风险波及的领域之一。Monetary policy isn't the only area in which risk is headed in different directions in the emerging and developing markets at the moment.

这份声明是必须摆在突出的地方,然后公证员和重要人士以及前千头万绪的人。The statement is to be made in a prominent place before public notaries and important persons as well as before a multitude of the people.

非常容易使用,也是千头万绪的步骤设计奇才队的所有标准类型的部件,通常用在电子产品的设计。Very easy to use , with a multitude of step-by-step design wizards for all the standard types of components typically used in electronics design.

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大型体育赛事工作千头万绪,仅凭赛事组委会自身的力量往往难以圆满完成赛事的全部任务,并且风险也过于集中。A big sports event is a multitude of things, and it is quite difficult to complete all tasks on its own, and generally the risks are over concentrated.

影响政府组织再造成败的因素可能千头万绪,但其中最关键的因素,无疑的是员工之支持与配合。To ensure the likelihood of success on government reorganization, the support from affected government employees' accounts for one of the most critical success factors.

在黑暗里,取出杯子喝干了酒,千头万绪,恨事那么多,不知道挑哪一宗来咬牙切齿才好,索性全抛在脑后,安静睡觉。In the darkness, remove the cup, drink it with wine, and a multitude of things, so much indignity, do not know to pick which cases to teeth go simply full-behind, quiet sleep.

然而他的工作满意度仍旧高企,尤其是考虑到目前他的案桌上已是千头万绪,而上周的突发卫生事件更令事务繁忙。But his job approval rating remains high, particularly given the wave of challenges on his desk, which in the last week grew even larger with the addition of a health emergency.

基层工作千头万绪,往往是“上面千条线,下面一根针”,而解决问题的资源总是相对有限的。Grass root work is complicated and difficult to unravel, and usually is "thousands of threads above, a needle below", and the resources for resolving problems are relatively limited.

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幼稚园与托儿所行政工作千头万绪,尤以近年来政府幼教政策不断改变,颇令园所经营及管理者有力不从心之感。The administrative works of kindergartens and nursery schools are complicated. The situation is worsening by frequently changed government policy that makes administrators confused and hard to follow.