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果然不出所料,屈里曼丢了他的工作。Sure enough, Tremaine lost his job.

因此,不出所料,皮特去旅行了。So, as predicted, Pete went the journey.

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"不出所料,消息走漏了。"。As was expected, the news filtered through.

不出所料的答案是,不存在这样的线性函数。Unsurprisingly, the answer turns out to be no.

因此,不出所料,皮特去旅行了。Please. So, as predicted, Pete went the journey.

不出所料,只有大概一半的学生看过。That's what I've thought, only about half of the class.

不出所料,问题几分钟内就清楚了。Sure enough, the problem became very clear within minutes.

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她的话不出所料的又得了甑氏一个白眼。Her words as expected and again the Mao surname is a cold stare.

果然不出所料,一开始雌性苍蝇们纷纷将绣球抛向后来的性感者们。Predictably, the females went for the sexier flies—at least at first.

可能不出所料地,它们会,不停地按杠杆。Well, maybe unsurprisingly, what they do is, they keep pressing the lever.

现在,不出所料,获金牌的人很高兴。Now, not surprisingly, people who have won Olympic gold medals are very happy.

不出所料,科索沃的议会投票赞成脱离塞尔维亚独立。As expected, Kosovo's parliament has voted in favour of independence from Serbia.

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不出所料,这是一场对抗强悍和定位球频现的比赛。This was, as expected, a game with some strong challenges and lots of set-pieces.

果然不出所料,第一个听到撒波雷先生议案的委员会立刻将之拒绝。So, as expected, the first committees to hear Mr. Sublette's bill shoved it aside.

不出所料,一些西方媒体已经在把哥本哈根的失败归结为中国的阻碍。Not surprisingly, Some Western media have attributed the failure of COP15 to China.

不出所料,大多数复活节读经都很适合葬礼仪式。Not surprisingly, most Easter readings would be very fitting for a funeral service.

结果是,不出所料,男人喜欢比妻女挣的多。It turns out, not too surprisingly, that men really do like making more than their wives.

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中国不出所料地表示愤慨,取消了中美间的一些军事交流活动。China has reacted with predictable anger, cancelling some military exchanges with America.

不出所料的是,当时与他擦身而过的人是多么的困惑。Unsurprisingly, the reaction he received from passers-by was one of complete bewilderment.

果然不出所料,在爸爸祈祷之后,妈妈立刻在我们每人面前放上了一碗汤。And sure enough, after Papa asked the blessing, we were instantly faced with bowls of soup.