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生活黑白分明,要么爱,要么恨。Life is black-and-white.

夜景犹如一幅黑白分明的木刻画。The night was an etching in black and white.

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我们总是希望一段关系黑白分明。We too often look for purity in relationships.

那时候,对于迈克尔和他的家人来说,世界的确是黑白分明的。Back then the world really was black and white for Michael and family

正在爱你的我,快乐与悲伤的分界竟是如此黑白分明。Is I love you, happiness and sadness of separation was so black and white.

我设计了一个黑白分明的蝴蝶图案,交给了威迪安夫人。I drew a bold black and white butterfly pattern and took it to Mrs. Vidian.

但是,中国到底是中国,这里的情况往往属于暧昧的灰色而并非黑白分明。However, China being China, the situation is more grey than black-and-white.

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斯特芬妮是个聪明人,在政治上精明敏锐,并且不像大多数我手下的男子们黑白分明。Stephanie was smart, politically astute, and less hard-edged than most of the boys.

在当时,有些事情是对的,有些是错的,黑白分明,没有模糊的「灰色地带」。Some things were right and some things were wrong, period. There were no "in-betweens."

关于长期与化学品接触与健康之间的联系,我们很少有黑白分明的答案。We very rarely get black-and-white answers for the health effects of long-term exposure.

在北极,飞机可以飞得很低,所以飞行员能轻而易举看见黑白分明的跑道。The pilots can fly pretty low out here so they can see them quite easily against the white ice.

黑白分明,尽量少灰是她对照片的基本要求。To have clear distinction between black and white but little gray is her basic standard to pictures.

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对于所谈话题,你不必顾及自己的真实想法多么复杂,只给出简单的黑白分明的回答即可。Give simple, black-and-white answers to questions, regardless of the complexity of your true opinion.

黑人入主白宫是件好事,这很实际,黑白分明,向他开枪也更容易。It will be practical. Black on white, it will be easier to shoot him," one of the show's hosts remarked.

既然我的选择各方面考虑因素已黑白分明,接下来的事情就是怎样朝它努力了。Since the factors for my choice are in black and white, what remains to be desired is how to strive towards it.

土生土长的凯尔多尔人以黑白分明的道德观和对与错的清晰分辨而著称。Kel Dor natives have a reputation for seeing moral issues in black and white, with clear distinctions between right and wrong.

有些美国人回顾二战时,会认为那个时代更简单些,那是一个正义与邪恶黑白分明的年代。Some Americans look back on the World War II era as a simpler time, when questions of good and evil were more black and white.

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黑白分明于一身,和善可人,恰似五千年文明灼照民族之写真。In both white and black colors it is friendly and lovely just like a portrait of the Chinese Nation with a history of 5000 years.

许多时候,双方都想弄得黑白分明,却没人注意到灰色的复杂部分,通常,那才是对事实的准确描述。In many ways both sides are dealing in black and whites and not the shades of grey that too often more accurately describe reality.

画面效果黑白分明,树下茅亭内行人停车小憩,安然自在。While the travelers resting under the pavilion and trees are carefree and comfortable. The clear hues of black and white produce a impressive effect.