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设计颇费心意,花样繁复,还以金粉相饰。It's designed, embossed, gilt.

现代化的生活如一张繁复和纠缠的网。The modern day life is an entangled web of complexity.

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生活是繁复体验的集锦,让我们伴您探索。Life is a collection of experiences. Let us be your guide.

英语语法看似繁复无比,其实万变不离其宗。Complicated as it seems, English grammar has its basic rules.

这个教堂中繁复华丽的雕刻是非凡的艺术创作。The ornate carvings in the church are excellent works of art.

这只迷人的小刺猬背上繁复的针刺都是由名为“乐高传动杆”的小积木块搭成的。Charming hedgehog. Needles are made of the Lego gearbox levers.

赫本时代繁复的发髻样式今天看来太过修饰,不如简简单单地扎在颈背处。The overachieving styles of Hepburn's time feel too fussy today.

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到公元前4000年,埃及人已经发展出繁复的切石技术。By 4000 BC, Egypt had developed an elaborate cut-stone technique.

最后一个建议是改革美国异常繁复的税制系统。The third idea is to reform America’s monstrously complicated tax system.

但是叠层结构使得玻璃的制造过程十分繁复。But lamination makes fabricating glass for structural uses very difficult.

你会惊讶于如此繁复的合音是来自一个古老的部落。You will be amazed that such a complex harmony came from an ancient tribe.

有意义的人生并非如此狭隘,有时是更为繁复的。Meaningful lives are not so limited and, as we shall see, are sometimes more vexed.

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脚下简洁大方的拼木地板与繁复的装饰相得益彰。The simple inlaid floor and the intricate decoration bring out the best in each other.

个性,简约奢华,破除古典厚重繁复的宫廷设计。Individuality, brief luxurious, eradicates the classical serious complicated palace design.

这种基于精神上的仪式就算在今天也可以觅其踪影,并且有着令人推崇的繁复步骤。These spiritually based rituals are still found today and are revered as legitimate procedures.

采用变频调速水泵是一种节能的技术措施,但其运行过程变化而繁复,较难分析。It's an energy-saving technic measure to use variable speed pump, but it is difficult to analyze.

不过由于中国政府为防止货币投机活动而设立了繁复的外汇管制,人民币的投资机会依然有限。But thanks to onerous exchange controls to thwart currency speculation, yuan options still are limited.

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完全使用中国的元素会很古板,完全使用欧式的元素会很繁复。It would be timeworn if I only use Chinese element and it would be involute if I only use Europe element.

钞票上有不少于8位当地达官贵人的签名,有水印,私人印章和华丽繁复的边缘纹饰。Signed by no fewer than eight local dignitaries, they bore watermarks, personal seals and a fancy border.

这个创新的方法在手表制造史上要求最繁复,但促进了发展。Such innovative solution required the developing the most complicated case in the history of watchmaking.