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皂土是一种可膨胀的土层粘土矿物。Bentonite is an expandable three-layer clay mineral.

部分圣爱米浓产区砂砾层都平铺于石灰石土层上。In parts of Saint Emilion the gravel lies on limestone base.

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山高石多土层薄,种上麦子吃不上馍。Multi-layer thin high mountain stone, planted wheat bun to eat.

含锰的花岗岩土层,表层多孔使排水性良好。Granite with manganese. Porous top layer provides good drainage.

随土层加深各部位地温差减小。As the soil layer was deepen, the temperature difference was less.

第四系上更新统坡积残积土层中。Quaternary upper Pleistocene Series residual soil and slope washes.

软且厚的土层会放大振动,而坚硬的岩石则不会。Soft thick sediments will amplify the shaking, and hard rock will not.

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下蜀黄土是镇江地区广泛分布的一种特殊性土层。Xiashu Loess is a kind of geographical special soil in Zhenjiang area.

本文的结论似较适用于无粘性土层。The conclusion is suggested for the case of cohesionless soils preferably.

这就是它们即使土层极薄,也能够在花盆中长势良好的原因。And so that is why they do well in pots, because of the light soil mixture.

根据0-20cm土层土壤有机碳含量及其年矿化率计算得。Based on Soil O. C. contents and its annual mineramtion rate in 0-20cm Soil.

但在土层深厚、肥沃、疏松、湿润的山地褐土上生长最好。But in the soil deep, fertile, loose, moist mountain cinnamon grows best on.

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土层深厚,土体疏松等是盈江县沙化土地形成的主要自然因素。And the main human factors are deforestation and increasing agricultural land.

砂土层一般起放大作用,粘质粉土层一般起减震作用。Generally, sand magnifies vibration, while viscous powder soil damps vibration.

冬笋藏在土层的下面,从竹林的表面上看什么也没有。The winter bamboo shoot hides in the earth, and is hard to find on the surface.

而黄绵土土层深厚,更适宜直根性树木生长发育。By contraries, loess soil possessing of deep soil layer, suits for taproot tree.

研究成果可用来指导现场测试和土层反演。This research may be used as guidance for SASW field tests and back-calculation.

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同一阶段各土层种子数差异不大。In different stratification of same stage, the number of seeds is nearly the same.

这种竖向迁移,导致路基上部土层产生强烈冻胀作用。It is the vertical migration that causes strong frost heave in the upper subgrade.

重肥处理根系入土深,深土层根量增加。The weight of roots increased in deep soil layer with treatment of non-irrigation.