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我出卖朋友,我是内奸,是叛徒。I'm a Judas, a turncoat, a quisling!

李士武怀疑金深水就是内奸。Li Shiwu doubt gold deep water is the dirty agent.

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保护他们的内奸。你都听见了吗,芬奇?To protect their mole. You getting all this, finch?

他担心在办公室里还有另一个内奸。He fears that there is another traitor inside the agency.

到了9月,这伙人开始怀疑出了内奸。By September, the gang had begun to suspect it had a mole.

蔡彪突然用枪顶住大奎的脑袋,说他是内奸。Cai Biao suddenly gun against Krishna head, said he was guilty.

孙维君向他问起,特别行动队,那个内奸到底是谁?Sun Weijun ask toward him, special task force, who is the mole?

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零售商将你的孩子变成”内奸Retailers love to put children to work “helping” you find things

在反恐组,杰克为自己指责尼娜是内奸而向她道歉。At CTU, Jack apologizes to Nina about accusing her of being the “dirty” agent.

周轶夫告诉黑木,内奸已经查出,是牛德彩的太太王蝶衣。Zhou Yifu told Blackwood, the mole has been found, cattle Decai wife Wang dieyi.

贾小枪等人设计抓住了内奸,原来是齐铁匠。Jia small gun and others design captures the mole, turned out to be a blacksmith.

她不愿意让所有反恐组工作人员介入,担心其中有像杰米一样的内奸。She does not want all of CTU involved for fear of unearthing another mole like Jamey.

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何芸在钟离腿上又补了一枪,并大叫着说钟离才是内奸。He Yun in clock and fill a shot on the leg, and shouted that clock is the dirty agent.

卡米将能够把卡连上反恐组的电脑终端,查出内奸是谁。She will be able to link it to a CTU computer terminal to reveal who the dirty agent is.

尼娜想知道梅森是否就是那个内奸,她指令托尼关闭梅森的安全访问权限。Nina wonders if he is the mole, and she orders Tony to shut down Mason's security access.

赵玉堂很自责,他为相信黄金水而感到后悔,好在内奸已经清除。Zhao Yutang is very remorse, he felt regret to believe that gold water, has been cleared.

杰米将使用那张钥匙卡的内奸的名字发送到杰克车上的信息发送器上。Jamey sends to Jack’s car mobile messenger the name of the dirty agent using the key card.

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尼娜意识到,她不能信任杰米,她向托尼明说了,反恐组里有内奸。Nina realizes that Jamey cannot be trusted and explains to Tony about CTU being infiltrated.

内奸认罪了,还了希尔瓦的清白还指证了杀害霍华德的凶手,但找不到他。The mole confessed, cleared Silva's name, and fingered Howard's killer, but no one can find him.

杰米将使用那张钥匙卡的内奸的名字发送到杰克车上的信息发送器上。原来是尼娜。Jamey sends to Jack's car mobile messenger the name of the dirty agent using the key card. It is Nina.