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生命之刀!随着年岁切割着你。Cut you with the age!

他年岁已高。He is advanced in years.

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年岁使他衰颓。His years weigh him down.

人们说那座教堂年岁久远。They say that church's old.

对不起,你的年岁可露馅了!Pardon me, but your age is showing!

适宜年岁大的抗衰老面霜。Great age appropriate anti-aging cream.

我的回忆,希望与爱,在那些蹉跎的年岁。O memory, hope, and love of finished years.

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随着年岁的增长,他对童年的记忆逐渐淡薄了。The memory of his childhood darkened with age.

年岁的增长并不总是带来智慧和克制。Age does not always bring wisdom or constraint.

相识我老公时我们都已经是婚龄年岁了。Know my husband when we are of marriageable age.

上了年岁的人很有声威,遭到尊崇。The older person is very prestige, be respected.

并承受过让你梦想破没的年岁。And borne the conflict of dream-shattering years.

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我想,这些年岁往往非常乏味。And I think those years often were very boring years.

随着他年岁的增大,他常爱讲讲他的过去。As he grew older, he would often talk about his past.

屋里的地毯已经有不少年岁了。The wall-to-wall carpet hasn’t been updated in years.

他就是这么倔。我一直希望他年岁大了就改了。He's just so stubborn. I keep hoping he'll outgrow it.

不管谁,只要年岁大,她都称其为师。No matter who, as long as the elderly, she says it is.

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年岁愈增,我久愈加深切地意识到态度对生活的影响。The longer live, the more the impact of attitude on life.

敬祝节日欢愉,新年岁事快意如意!With many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year!

因此他叫他们的日子,全归虚空,叫他们的年岁,尽属惊恐。So he ended their days in futility and their years in terror.