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我认出头顶飞过的大雁,是旧友,却带不回旧时的回忆!Bring not the old memories back!

旧时的江南,草长莺飞的季节。The old South, the spring season.

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和旧时好莱坞的名流们一起参加社交聚会。Partied with the cream of Old Hollywood.

旧时的自我约束是至关重要的。Self-discipline, unfashionably, is vital.

旧时重现的现场,高棉妇女在做饭。In a reenactment scene, Khmer women cooking.

旧时,大城山分西、东两峰。Old times, big city Shan Fenxi, east two peaks.

我觉得我只是在偿还这份旧时的人情债。I'm only paying back on old debt of thankfulness.

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老爷爷回忆起旧时的一些逸事。Granddad fetched up some anecdotes of the old days.

他赞成旧时圣人的教条。He upholds the doctrine of the rishis of olden times.

大部分旧时中国的地主都有大的庭院。Most of the landlords in old China own a big mansion.

某种程度上来说,这个目标好像回到了旧时。The goal, in some ways, is to return to the old days.

旧时的百货店很快就消失了。The old-fashioned general store is fast disappearing.

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旧时重现的现场,人们在挖掘隧道。In a reenactment scene, workers digging inside a canal.

旧时茅店社林边,路转溪桥忽见。And where the road bends a small bridge is suddenly seen.

旧时的人们把牛看成是他们文化的中心。The old people saw cattle as the centre of their culture.

旧时上海人最讲究吃汤团。Old people in Shanghai is the most exquisite eat dumpling.

品奇各特现在是大炮和旧时军用装备博物馆。Pinchgut is now a museum for cannon and antique mat è riel.

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旧时,差不多家家灶间都设有“灶王爷”神位。Formerly, almost every family kitchen with" Kitchen God" god.

旧时的这一天,妇女们会将果园的杂草锄掉,在每棵果树四周松土。Women used to hoe up weeds and loosen the soil around each tree.

独依旧,旧时月,月照谁人,人在何方?Still, the old month alone, according to the who, on where people?