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这是一部粗制滥造的电影片子。The film is a piece of schlock.

有些电视剧是粗制滥造的。Some TV plays are made in a rough and slipshod way.

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19世纪末,当地一家工厂粗制滥造出大量小提琴。By the late 19th century a local factory churned out violins.

十多年来,他一直在大量粗制滥造侦探小说。He has been churning out detective stories for more than ten years.

另一方面,假冒伪劣,粗制滥造的产品充斥着生活的方方面面。On the other hand, fake, shoddy products filled with all aspects of life.

奈特莉涉足的第一部长篇电影角色是在一部被阿加莎·克里斯蒂启发的粗制滥造的电影里。Knightley's first feature film role came in this Agatha Christie-inspired potboiler.

多数报告是含糊不清的,充满了前后不一致的细节,甚至就是粗制滥造的。Most of the reports are vague, filled with incongruent detail, or crudely fabricated.

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一次名人摄影活动,一个装模作样的摄影者用一只粗制滥造的手机来拍照?A celebrity photo shoot in which the pretentious photographer wields a cheesy cell-phone camera?

当然这也不足为奇,因为之前已经有过中国制造的大堆假药,盗版碟和粗制滥造的电子产品。Add this to the pile of fake medicines, pirated movies, and faulty electronics that are made in China.

这一行是块肥肉而且运气好,在粗制滥造垃圾并且大把挣钱的同时却草率从事。The industry was fat and happy, doing sloppy things while churning out garbage and making tons of money.

他的近作粗制滥造。他似乎自以为是名作家便可免遭物议!His latest book is rubbish. He seems to think that because he's a famous author he can get away with murder!

他说甚至这个游戏可能是政府官员洗钱的工具,十分粗制滥造。He said the game might even have been a vehicle for government officials to launder money, so shoddily was it made.

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作家不会仅仅因为读者喜欢封面恶俗、粗制滥造的作品,而抱怨他的优秀作品受到读者不公正的对待。The author of a good novel wouldn't complain that readers were unfair for preferring a potboiler with a racy cover.

然后用不了多久,你会因为汽车展示室里的那些粗制滥造的美国产电动汽车而遭世人嘲笑。And soon enough, you will be pilloried for every poorly made American electric-car that finds its way to the showroom.

结果,这本出访手册被我的大多数同事通常看作是介乎粗制滥造的旅游指南与调侃无聊的低级笑话之间的某种东西。As a result, the trip book is currently regarded by most of my colleagues as somewhere between a rough guide and a bad joke.

注意看外观,肉眼都能辨的粗制滥造,自然各方面的质量都不咋地。The note looks an appearance, naked eye all the shoddy of energy Bian, none of masses Zha earth of natural everyone's surface.

斯特恩担心,养犬场主们会利用奥巴马一家的选择开始粗制滥造西班牙水犬,并兜售给热切的公众。Stern worries that puppy mills will try to capitalize on the Obamas' dog choice and start churning out PWDs for an eager public.

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广告对于商家的作用是巨大的,合理利用可以促进销售,但粗制滥造会引起反作用。The role of the advertising business is enormous, reasonable use can promote sales, but would be counterproductive crudely made.

现在中国相信印度的唯一原因是我们现在是中国粗制滥造的手机的最大市场。The only aspect for which the Chinese trust India now isthat we are the largest market for their substandard produce of mobile phones.

现在,邓超微博掉粉十万或许正在暗示,观众很快就厌倦了矫揉作态的夫妻和他们粗制滥造的电影。In the meantime, the sudden drop in Deng's Weibo fans may indicate that audiences quickly tire of cutesy couples and their lousy movies.