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您要一盘甜食吗?Would you like a sweet dish?

吃过多的甜食会使人倒胃囗。Too much sweet food cloys the.

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请给我一小包甜食。A small packet of sweets,please.

菜单上有什么餐后甜食?What 's on the menu for afters ?

他们把所有的甜食都给我们了,They just gave all the s**t to us

甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴.I was tempted by the dessert menu.

而且我只得到令人讨厌的甜食,妈妈And I only get yucky deserts, Mummy

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你喜欢甜食还是咸食?Do you prefer sweet or savoury food?

我知道他看到甜食就没辙。I know he has a weakness for sweets.

不,我不喜欢辣的食物,我喜欢甜食。No, I don't like. I like sweet food.

你爱吃甜食还是咸食?。Do you like sweet food or salty food?

然后我吃一些冰淇淋和甜食。Then I had some ice-cream and sweets.

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就连是婴儿也喜欢甜味食,而且还是大量的甜食。Even babies like sugar—and lots of it.

这家市肆在便宜出售多种甜食。Many sweet foods are on sale in the store.

他的脸扑到在甜食上死了。His face fell into the dessert and he died.

冰岛的甜食品种繁多,以巧克力居胜。Iceland's sweets, chocolate variety in wins.

医生说我应该戒掉吃甜食。The doctor said that I should give up sweets.

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你为什么不放弃吃甜食来养减少体重呢?Why do not you give up sweets to lose weight?

你如果想找点甜食,那就吃水果吧。Eat fruit when you are craving something sweet.

听听她们谈论各自的甜食嗜好吧。Hear them talk about their sweet-eating habits.